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"I just want to go home. Watch a move and touch on you a bit. Well a while lot more than a bit." He said during our quick conversation about the stresses of my day.

"I think you should keep your eyes on the door." I said taking two steps to my left in the elevator. I was leaving work early to get to Rinney's game and he was stepping out to get a late lunch.

"You are right." He straightened up after reminding me about round 2 and 3 of last night.

"You have your little brother's game tonight right." He asked me as we stood in the elevator at a professional distance. I glanced over at him as he fixed his tie.

"Yep. He gave me a list of snacks so I'll pick that up after I get the baby." I said at above a whisper and the elevator stopped.

"How do you do ma'am? Mr. Graham how is your father?" An older lady entered the elevator on the floor that was home to Ross Law firm.

"He is doing well Ms. Diggs. He would be swinging by soon." He responded to her respectfully.

We all reached the lobby but Eric continued to the garage. A part of me though tha he would follow me to the day care and I'm glad he didn't.

Even though I was a little early Aden stopped what he was doing a soon as he saw me open the door.

"He is all fresh and ready to go Ms. Williams."

"Thank you so much. See you tomorrow." I said grabbing his bag and turning to leave. I opened the door for Aden allowing him to run through into the lobby, stopping a the security desk. Once I caught up to him I allowed him to shake the guard's hand before leading him to the elevator. Once we got the garage Eric was there just as I expected. We began to park closer to each other at work for reasons like this.

"I'll be here for a while." He said as I walked past his drivers side window to put Aden on the passenger side of my car.

"I'll see you at home after the game?" I asked turning slightly and still trying to be discreet. It was hard trying to make it seem like we weren't having a conversation but we have had a lot of practice.

"My place or yours?" He asked as I shut Aden's door.

"Your place is closer to his school." He pointed out as a few people got off of the elevator.

"But yours is closer to work." I acted as if I  needed to check my phone.

"I'll see you tonight." We made the decision.

"Love you." I said putting my phone in my pocket and walked to the drivers side of my car before he started his car.

"Love you more." He said before I closed my car door.

The game

"Ms. Williams!" I stopped in my tracks as I rushed towards the gym to give Rinney his snacks. Thinking back I should've stopped to get him a new duffel bag and all of this extra stuff. If I hadn't made it all cut I would be rushing.

"Hey Ms. Claymore." I walked toward my favorite teacher. She taught all of my siblings and it was great to see her. I stood less that 25 ft away from the gym.

"Your brother told me you had a baby. It's so good to see you." Ms. Claymore gave me the biggest hug. She smiled and poked Aden and he sat on my hip.

"Yeah he is almost three." I said knowing she would ask eventually. I looked around knowing that the game was about to start and he would need this bag before tip off.

"You always said you would name your kid Aden. I'm so proud of you baby girl." She hugged me once more making me all warm inside.

"I can't believe you remember that Ms.Clayton." I said slightly embarrassed before I noticed my little brother walking out of the gym. I held out his new duffel bag and took small strides towards him causing him to put some pep in his step.

"You always had a thing for the letter A. I'll let you go." She touched my arm before walking in to the gym.

"See you tomorrow morning Mr.Williams." I could hear her say to Rinney as I followed closely.

"Yes Ma'am." He replied taking the bag out of my hand.

"This is cool sis. You did this for me?" He said fighting back a smile.

"It's nothing." I brushed his waves as he dug through the bag.

"New headphones and sweats?Thank you." He hugged me for a little bit as we blocked the gym door.

"Now go ahead before you get in trouble. You already know you aren't supposed to be out here." I sent him back to the locker room to avoid any problems with the coach.

"Can I go to school from your place tomorrow?" He asked slowly taking a step back in the direction of the locker room.

"Im not even staying at my place tonight kid." He was confused but continued to walk away.


"He is at work. I'm surprised you were serious about meeting him." I told Rinney as he talked to me during half time of his game.

"Why? I know the man likes basketball." He said being pulled away from me by his coach.

"The man?" My older brother walked up to the both of us, actually scaring the hell out of me.

"When did you get back in to town?" I said giving him a side hug.

"Last night. You know Rinney wouldn't for give me if I want here so boom." After this game his team would be going to the state championships which I didn't know until tonight.

"You know that coach is goin to lose his mind if he finds out you are talking to us and not in that locker room." Tyson said pointing at the couch who hadn't left the gym floor yet.

"You already know." He dapper Tyson up before jogging to the locker room. I rocked Aden who had his face pressed against my torso.

"You could have called somebody. You came home and the dipped on us Tyson. It's been three months since you got out." I poked my lip out know that he was going to give in.

"I got enough of that from your mother last night I want to talk about who is in your life." He cut to the chase after over hearing what Rinney said.

"You are the one bouncing between two women." I said hoping that he wouldn't want to talk about it.

"Let me do that. Nice necklace." He said still not breaking.

"His name is Eric. We have been together die a year and a half." I said keeping my voice down. Tyson had a way of finding out what ever he wanted and I didn't have a reason to lie.

"What's the last name." He asked swiftly.

"You wish." I snappy back.

"So when do we all get to meet a Eric. Hell I still haven't met Xavier." He said taking off his jacket while the players returned to the court.

"Aden has barely met X." I said peeking down to see if Aden's eyes had finally shut and they hadn't.

"Rin gets to meet him first." I slid in the conversation.

"I'm the oldest." He said. He was confused about my logic.

"You are also the scariest and with you and Drew it's... No. I'm not going to let all of y'all run down on him at the same time." I told the truth.

"Rin caught on first. He asked first so he gets to meet him first." I just wanted to control the situation. Not every girl has three brothers and while Eric knows he doesn't have to experience them all at once.

"You like this one?" He asked still trying to figure it out.

"I think he is the one. There has been some bullshit but I let it go and I think that's how I know."

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