The good The bad The ugly

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I finished the day with 5 missed calls from my brother. After spending so much time in Eric's office I had little to no time to get cracking on some work. I had to read through years of the company's history before I could even think about visiting a site.

"See ya tomorrow. Hey you still working?" Racheal walked passed my office as I realized the day was over.

"Yeah just putting stuff together for Dallas." I was able to put in my travel plans for the Donoghue site visit in Dallas.

"Don't work to hard girl." She smiled and tapped my door.

"I'll try. Have a good night honey." I giggled as she walked away. I adjusted my tired eyes to focus on the computer screen.  The company didn't want any of their employees driving more than 80 miles so I was forced to book a flight.

Never thought I would be flying to Dallas.

I said to myself after finalizing the plans. The email was sent and everything was booked so there was no real reason for me to be here. I sat back a for bit thinking about calling Drew back but it would be best to save it for the car. Who knows what kind of bullshit he had up his sleeve. He hadn't text me giving me any information as to what was going on so it want important.

I threw my laptop and a few files in my bag so I could finish getting a feel for Donoghue Landscaping at home. The thought of a glass of wine while I worked made it a thousand times better.

As soon as I stood I realized it was time for the heels to go. My handy adidas slides came to my rescue before I left my office. I caught glimpse of Josh out of the corner of my eye as I walked out of my door. He stood at the front of the office chatting it up with another young lady as I locked up. I walked through down the hall way trying not to make too much noise.

"Y'all have a good one." I touched his arm as I shimmied passed him. It was pretty smooth of homie to block the walk way but I was a step a head. Pushing through the double doors I prayed the Eric was occupied in his office as I pushed the elevator button.

"My offer stands." He stood almost shoulder to shoulder with me.

"I have been here two days and I can see that the ladies love Josh" I laughed at his persistence. The elevator took its sweet time coming to our floor.

"I wouldn't  say that. I'm just friendly enough to maintain a good work place environment" I couldn't focus on him due to the noise in the hallway.

"Oh for real?" The smell of his cologne made the situation worse. Not only was he easy on the eyes but he was y'all and well groomed.

"Yes sir. It will be a great quarter." Our attend shifted. The voices of the big bosses boomed down the hallway. I prayed that I would be able to sneak away before this man and his father walked down the hall. God worked fast because the elevator doors slid open. Josh and I began our descent once we got in to the elevator.

"Yeah. I just wanna to know why I can't be a friend to you? " I broke awkward silence. I felt bad in thinking that there was no harm in slightly entertaining but he was fine.

"Im still trying to figure you out." Josh's ass was trying to get me in trouble and I felt it.

"Just think about it." He said before I exited to the first floor.

"Oh I will." I nodded my head and stepped off the elevator. The sound of me haul assing to pick up the baby filled the empty lobby. Luckily I wasn't the last parent to pick up tonight. Aden insisted on walking to the car so I carried his seat to the elevator and down to the car before getting him settled. I took my time so he could take his baby steps.

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