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"I went. I told her I would pay for it so I went." Kyle came to my office for lunch. I took Amari back to my place where she stayed with her sister and Aden. I refused to sit in the house so I went in to the office.

"Once I got there the lady told me that she didn't do it." Kyle's mouth dropped. I shook my head allowing him to soak it in.

"What the fuck? So you let her sister and the kid sit in your crib?" He asked continuing to eat his food. I know that it's a quick turn around from last night but I needed to figure it out.

"Yeah I have questions and I want answers. I don't get how you can jump
from one extreme to the next." I leaned back in my chair. I felt like I was being sucked it's to a wormhole of toxicity.

"This is going to be bad." I said looking out the window. I took a deep breath wondering if I should have just let her leave and went on about my life.

"This is a different type of love man." Kyle shook his head. Now I guess I see why it was so hard for Ken to make a choice about his wife.

"Is it really?" I asked still watching the cars from the window.

"It has to be if you went from fuck her yo having her and her whole family sitting in your multi million dollars penthouse. It's not a bad thing I just hope you know what your doing." He added. I truly didn't and for the first time in years I had saw myself with out Amari and Aden.

"Bro I have never been so hurt in my life. Like I have broken bones and that shit was light work..." I stopped as I went back the moment she told me she wanted an abortion. I thought about the few times we disagreed on kids thinking that I should have seen it coming.

"By that shit felt like she set me on fire so for her not to go through with it is concerning."

"You love her and I'm not going to judge you for figuring out what you want. You have to figure it out though, don't let this show hang over you for the rest of your life." I appreciated him for talking to me like he cared. It's hard for a black man to speak in what's going on with him and even harder fo another black man to listen.

"Taylor." I said as I picked up the phone.

"I need you to clear my schedule for the rest of the day. Oh and what time is the meeting tomorrow?" I had a meeting with the heads of the New York office that couldn't be put off.

"One. Would you like me to change be your flight your red eye flight to LA?" She asked.

"I have a flight to LA?" I asked completely thrown off. I sat up in the chair to allow her to speak when I remembered.

"Shit the budget meetings are in LA this quarter. No don't change it. I leave Wednesday and come back Thursday afternoon right?" My father established having meetings at different sites in different cities a while ago. He said it allowed him to see the site in the light of day.

"Yes sir. The flight takes off at 11pm tonight." She said.

"And it won't take that long to get to LA so keep it. I'll be here for the meeting tomorrow." I confirmed before saying good bye and hanging up.

"How does it feel to own all of this." He asked. Until now I didn't even though about it.

"It's really for show especially because there are so many people that put out fires under me. There is a lot of money that come my way but it's not real work. It's mostly trying to keep the vision of the family, a lot of travel."

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