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Time ended up getting away from me. I made it down stairs five minutes before the day care charged me. Getting off the elevator I pretended to be on the phone to avoid Eric and his Father. It was even harder to act like I wasn't listening. The lobby was empty with the exception of them in the building security which made it even more awkward.

"I'm sooo sorry. I didn't know it was this late." Aden was already asleep and my goal was to keep him that way.

"It's not a problem. Here let me help you."She helped me get Aden and his belongings positioned so that I could walk out with out a hassle. I walked still trying to avoid any contact and keep Aden asleep.

Once I got to the parking lot I decided to drop the bags and strap Aden in probably. It was completely dark out side confirming that it was 8:30 and I still had work to do.

I quietly closed Aden's door before picking up the bags and putting them in the front seat. I walked to the drivers side of my car with my head down even though I saw the lights on Eric's car flash. I had no doubt that he cut his conversation short with father to catch me.

I opened the drives side door carefully and started the car. My eyes shot to the rear view mirror to see Aden stretch out in his car seat. Once I closed and locked the door I caught a glimpse of Eric standing across the empty garage, with is phone to his ear. I laughed as he called my phone.

"Yeah." I answered my phone. I hesitated to pull off.

"Yeah?" I guess my greeting wasn't good enough.

"Yeah Eric." I switched it up.

"You know what I'll see you at your place." He waited for a response.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't understand stand why he wouldn't want to go back to his luxurious penthouse instead of my little apartment.

"I'll see you at home." I watched him hang up and open his door. I rolled my eyes as I exhaled and put the car in drive.

"Home?" I said out loud. This nigga is crazy. I wasn't in a rush as I drove home. I delayed that trip by pulling in to the Panera drive through for a light dinner. I looked at the menu for a minute before getting a soup and half of a salad for me and a sandwich for him. I rolled my eyes as the order rolled off of my tongue. No onions, extra pickles with light mayo.

When I did get home he was there. I pulled in to a spot on the other side of him. We got out of our vehicles at the same time. I didn't even get a chance to walk around to the passenger side before he opened the door and unbuckled Aden. I took it upon myself to grab everything else. We didn't say anything to each other while walking into the building and to my door. Once I unlocked and opened the door he took the baby straight to his room while I cleaned out his bag. I started to empty it be for pausing to take off my bra. I took my bra and Aden's dirty clothes to my room to toss in the hamper. I did so turning back around to finish what I had started. I yawned as I placed my hands on the counter and watched him walk out of the room, closing the door. It was crazy how he was so good with Aden but putting Gia to sleep was a task.

"Eat you're food." He said moving me out of the way. He took out the dirty bottles and placed them on the counter while I walked to the other side. I reached in to the bag, grabbing my soup, and reheated it as he washed the bottles. I walked back to the Panera bag taking out his sandwich and placing it close to the space he occupied before stopping the microwave. After grabbing a spoon I watched him examine the sandwich.

"Thank you." He said. He was probably surprised that I got him something and definitely taken back that his order was right.

"Mmhm." I uttered. I found the thick tension in the air funny. I was more interested in how long I was going to let him keep it up. I took the top off of my soup settling into my corner of the kitchen as he unpacked and repacked Aden's bag. It was soothing watching him concentrate on folding the tiny clothes. He walked over to the door putting the bag on the ground for me to remember in the morning.

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