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"I'm sorry Mar I didn't know that I caused this many problems." She said laying Aden down. She had been nothing but nice to my side of the family and was treated like shit in return. It got worse when I made her Aden's God mother.

"It's not your fault. Is theirs." I didn't want to feel like I was trading on my family but I wanted my sister in my life and Aden's. I went to finish the conversation but the LED light on my phone started to flash. I ignored it the first and time but when Jaimie started paying more attention to the phone than our conversation I turned the phone over.

"Eric? " She said in a flirty tone.

"I know it's been a while but in our conversations you never really mentioned an Eric." I took a deep breath spilling the beans. Jaimie was the only one who truly knew what I was going through with Aden's dad so I felt comfortable telling her anything. She was there for me all through it even from miles away.

"So he must really like you. Even though it's a coincidence that there is another office here that he all of a sudden has to get to." She sipped on a near by water bottle.

"I think so. I hope so." I started to blush st the thought of him. Eric was a great father, and amazing lover, and a hell of a provider. In lamest terms he was every I needed.

"So tell me. How is it working with a fuck buddy?" He was more than that I was just starting to hope I was more than that to him. He was hard to read sometimes since our situation was different.

"Well that's where it gets sticky. He is kinda my boss. Oh and I may need you to watch Aden just for a little tiny bit when he comes in over." I said at a whisper hoping that she would just drop it.

"What!" She shrieked. I just shook my head. See, I couldn't have these conversations with Rinney or Andrew.

"He is helping me unpack." I explained to her.

"How did y'all even get together?" She grew a bit suspicious.

"I had been working there for a year or so when I met him. It was quite simple actually he asked for my number in the elevator. He didn't have in a suit or anything to even put the thought in my head that he was important. Well, before that I had ran in to them at the daycare. But outside of a coffee and lunch we hadn't had any real dates but there was a lot of tension. Now that I think back I never asked him why he was in the building so much because jeans and sneakers. One thing lead to another and we stumbled in to this empty office and I had some of the best sex since my baby's dad." He mouth fell open at what I considered to be minor details.

"Honey, when we started getting dressed his father, The Graham in Douglass, Graham, & Associates, came walking down the hall and in to the office." The embarrassment set in once again.

"Son I see your enjoining your new office." I imitated Mr. Graham's voice.

"You are lying!" She grew more interested in the story. I was now able to laugh at the situation but at the time I wanted to cry.

"Girl I almost broke my neck looking at him. The man introduced me to his father as someone nice enough to show him the ins and outs of the office. I was pissed." I remembered the feeling of standing in the office after fucking my boss and then almost getting caught.

"I could understand why." She giggled rubbing my thigh.

"When his father left I was going to cus him out so bad until he explained it first. I didn't buy it at first but when he started calling and showing up after I stopped speaking to him I gave in." I shrugged my shoulders to complete the story. Jaimie was eating every word.

"Anything else I should know." She chuckled.

"He is about three or four year older and has a daughter." Gia's name escaped me when I thought about Yani.

"And a crazy ass baby mama." The one thing that I wanted to ask him was if she knew you came out to Huston let alone to see me.

"You have a crazy ass baby daddy." My little sister pointed out. She was right and I knew the second he popped back in to my life all hell would break loose.

"That's going to be a hell of a romance. All the men that live here have too much baggage for me." I would imagine she knows all of the tea about the residents that lived here. Being able to chat about what goes on around here with Jaimie ma even better. If I ever had a boy next door fling I would have the inside scoop.

"The last person I was involved in ended up stalking me for a few months." She shook her head.

"I had to have a patrol car sir outside the building when I came in from work." The tables turned. I was more interested in her story more than mine.

"We were talking about marriage, kids, and shit. I was all for it until he saw me talking to one of the guys that lives in the complex and snapped. He beat me beyond recognition. That night in the hospital I had a miscarriage." Someone always has it harder than you. My drama was tiny compared to hers and she never told me.

"Here I am talking about my sexy flash backs and you're going through all of this." She smacked her teeth.

"The last time I spoke to him was to tell him about the baby. And that's when the I'm sorry's started pouring in and the stalking started." I really didn't know what to say.

"Don't you pity me. Don't tell me your sorry. Just change the subject." She just wanted me to know which was definitely respectable. I would have hated to find out later.

We let the time get away from us and fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up it was just after 8 and both the truck and Eric were on the way. Eric texted me to let me know every move on his trip to Huston from the time that he left to him getting in to the car. Knowing that I was hours closer to being with him sent butterflies through my entire body.

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