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I had let Aden wonder around our apartment while I gathered some clothes and checked in on everything. I had only been home for 10 minutes before someone knocked on the door. I stood quietly for a second to see if who ever it was would go away. On the second round of knocked I walked over to the door, looking though the peep hole.

"What the hell?" I asked myself when I realized who it was. I opened the door with a smile.

"Come on in Ms. Duncan." X's mother decided to pop up. I looked behind her to see if there was any one else around. It was strange that she knew I was home. I had finally had a chance to leave Eric's spot and give him some real time with his dad and I run into this. Just my luck.

"What brings you by? I am going to be in Atlanta until next week. That's when I was supposed to bring him to see you right? I asked knowing the she shouldn't be at my door. She noticed Aden standing behind me and started to smile.

"There is a game in Dallas and I wanted to see how you and my baby  were holding up." Aden walked towards her. I rolled my eyes as I closed the door behind her.

"Walking and talking now." I said knowing that her son would make it in to the conversation.

"I see." I offered her something to drink as she took a seat at my breakfast nook.

"It's always good to see you but Dallas is a little ways away from here. What's going on?" I wanted to cut to the chase and get back to my day off and the start to my good weekend.

"Xavier told me what you said to him and how he wanted you two to come to a game." She said as if I was supposed to remember or care. There was a hint of shady disappointment in her voice.

"He did tell me he had tickets to a game." I nodded with nothing to hide.

"He also told me that some words were exchanged." The beating around the bush made me angry. She had something to say and it shouldn't have talked this long for her to say it.

"What words exactly?" I tried to keep my nice girl act up but it wasn't going to be long before my emotions showed.

"That he doesn't have a family. That was an awful thing to say."

"What I said was he doesn't have a family here. X only has his son we aren't a family." I said with no remorse. It was just like him to lot be man enough to tell the whole truth.

"You don't see anything wrong with that? You hurt him and you know he loves you."  She said almost pleading with me.

"The chances of me and your son being together are non existent. Ms. Duncan I can't even picture it." I wanted to let her down easy but there is no reason to stall.

"You two have a son. You will always be connected."

"That's a fact. That's the only thing I can thank him for. But he ain't never gone be shit." I said honestly ready to go.

"What's happened to y'all? You and Xavier were a match made in heaven." She looked at me with the saddest eyes.

"The NFL. Now I'll say it like this... With all due respect Miss Duncan, you have done a great job with staying out of me and your son's business  up until now so I'm done talking about this." The air was stale.

"I'm sorry if I have faith in y'all." She said making me feel bad.

"I don't want anything to do with your son Ms. Duncan. I have been over the thought of us getting back together for almost three years now. I just stopped being apart of the blog need cycle not too long ago and it feels great. X isn't an angel." I stopped talking before I got too emotional. So many people think that that type of attention is glamorous but it honestly isn't worth it.

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