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"You're a cocky son of a gun." I yelled back as mocked my moans. I rinsed my body of the soap as he came in to my view. Even with the steam in the glass shower door he watched me. I tried not to crack a smile a he continued to play games.

"Yeah yeah what ever." He wrapped me in my towel as I exited the shower.

"I'm not even in the mood." I told him as his hands got slick. He let me dry off with out a word. I could see his lost expression from the corner of my eye.

"Yo talk to me babe." He broke down almost instantly. I went through his tee shirt draw with one of my hands, holding my towel with the other.

"I just find it funny that I'm at the fore front of her mind." I slipped the shirt over my head before taking a pair of his boxers. I have never taken him a way from his daughter or made him choose between me and Gia.

"She was just trying to get one up. Yani thought that because she didn't know, I wouldn't know, and showing me would poke holes in our relationship." Relationship. I liked the way he said that. He was really calm and looked me directly in the eye which almost made me uncomfortable. Not only did he want me to believe him, he was actually telling the truth and wanted me to see it. We stood in the middle of the room not quite knowing were either one of us would take the conversation.

"So with the statement you just made you can still stand here and tell me she doesn't still want to be with you?" I rolled my neck at him. If anyone should know what it's like to have someone wanting their "spot" back it's me. There is a high chance that a former partner that you share a child with will feel entitled to you.

"What I want you to understand is that no matter how much you think she wants me I want you. I'll respect her because that's Gia's mother but as long as we..." He motioned to me and back to him repeatedly.

"Are doing this..." he placed his hand on the small of my back and pulled me closer against my will.

"I don't need anyone else. I under stand why your feisty ass feels some type of way. I do but I'm not going to let that take over what we got." I was pissed. In my mind if the bitch has something to say she could have said it when he told her I was here.

"I can't stand how mello you are." I was able to smile before we laid down for the night.

Early the next morning

"Just come over later. I have to go get my son." I stole a pair of his sweats as he threw a temper tantrum in the sheets. I pulled them up slowly watching him watch me.

"How late?" I loved that even though my place wasn't as nearly as extravagant it was mine and he respected it. Eric has spent weeks at a time with me and Aden enjoying every minute.

"It's 11 now so 2 or 3 if that's fine with you." I used my knees to get on the bed and walk closer to him. He gave me butterflies as he licked his lips, waiting for his kiss.

"Mmm" I hummed while our lips locked.

"I'll see you then." Eric snuck another kiss before I rolled off of the bed. It was refreshing to want to be around someone without anything extra.

"Let me walk you out." He shuffled around before standing to his feet. I hugged him as if he wouldn't be getting ready to pull up to my house in a matter of hours.

"Be safe now." He said just before the doors closed. This time I took the elevator straight down to the parking garage. I shit my brother a text letting him know I was on my way before starting the car and pulling off. I smiled the whole ride to Drew's spot.

I parked out front and texted both my sister and Eric to see if they were hungry. I'm sure Jaimie was just waking up anyway. Plus I didn't have problem with picking something up for all of us. As I hit out of the car I thought about how I could have gotten the boys something too.

When drew opened the door holding Aden I took him right out of his hands. I have him a good squeeze.

"Tyson gets out tomorrow." He said closing the door behind me. I sat at the dining room table because my brought was famous for late night having his female visitors on  his couch.

"Really?" I asked. After years of fraudulent dates I found it hard that believe him.

"Wait is tomorrow the 12th. He gets out on the 12th, I got the call from mama this morning." He smiled shaking his head. Tyson and Drew were thick as thieves when we were younger so I knew he was excited.

"I can't believe it. Who's is going pick him up? What time?" I asked all the hard questions because the last time I checked he was over an hour away.

"We will all go. You still on leave right." I nodded. He explained he wanted to take him out to an nice dinner and get him so stuff before he went in to the halfway house.

"If I know Ty in know that halfway house shit ain't gone fly." Still living under strict rules with be hard for him since he isn't behind that wall.

"If he knew what was best for him he would get a grip." He zipped up Aden's bag.

"Why you so happy? It ain't because he finna get out it's something else." He put the bag on his shoulder, holding it hostage.

"I'm just happy." I said back. My voice floated threw the air.

"You back with X?" He had obviously seen the same shit Yani saw. I took a breath and watched Aden play with my necklace.

"My baby's daddy? Hell no." I answered truthfully completely throwing off his assumptions.

"Who ever it is know you have multiple brothers?" He handed me the back, flexing his power.

"Yes." I laughed getting ready to head out.

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