Just My Baby Daddy

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"That will be all thank you." I said to the waitress handing the menu back. We sat in the booth continuing our conversation. It was always so easy to talk to him, there was hardly ever a dull moment.

"I was trying to get with Yani's sister!" He admitted jumping right back in to the conversation. The story of how he and his baby's mom met was pure comedy. I was baffled as to how we got in the subject but I was surprised he was opening up like this.

"Eva was the quiet one and the one my dad wanted me to be with. She and her sister are polar opposites and I would find out rather quickly. One night a few of my guys were out and Yani and Eva happened to be at the same lounge. We drank a hell of a whole lot and I kinda sorta blanked out.  I woke up next to Yani and now Gia is running around." I laughed while snacking on a dinner roll. He flashed me that great big ole smile and I almost forgot that he was my boss. The date felt too real and I had to realize that we weren't regular.

"But we have come along way." They were great parents and communicated well from what I could see. The problem came in when Eric and I started doing what ever we are doing. The woman couldn't stand me and I hadn't even been formally introduced to her daughter yet.

"There has to be more to that story but alright." I brushed off how abruptly he ended the story.

"But let's talk about you." He gave me the side eye. I knew the instance was coming where he would ask me about my story.

"Why don't you ever talk about you or
Aden's dad." And it begins. I didn't want this restaurant or this particular outing to be the backdrop for my baggage.

"I must really like you for even fixing my lips to say this mans name." My eyes shot from my glass of wine to him when he spoke again.

"It's obvious that you like me..." He said simply starting his statement.

"But if you don't want to you definitely don't have to." He finished.

"Well Aden's dad and I don't have the same relationship that you and Yani have." Which was true. Whether he liked it or not Eric and Yani were the poster kids for coparenting even though she annoyed me.

"I try to respect her as much as possible. We definitely were not always this way, I can tell you that for sure." He cut me right off to set the record straight. He let it be known that they were just parents.

"But look at y'all now. At least you two can tolerate each other." I pointed out.

"Yeah but see you never even say his name. He is just Aden's dad... good to know." I knew exactly what he meant.

"He is just my sons father. Just like Yani is just Gia's mom." I didn't run around telling everyone that Xavier Duncan was my sons father and I didn't want to start now.

"Well what does he do?" He told me his entire life story so why not give him something.

"He plays football... professionally." I sipped my wine.

"Really?" His eyes got big. I don't know what he was thinking but I didn't like it. He obviously knew I wasn't on the gold digging wave based on how much I worked. Well at least I hopped he did. If I made X really do his part I would have to work at all.

"Yeah. He is in DC with the Redskins for now. Before that he was with the Cardinals." I tried to brush past it a little bit.

"Wow. how did y'all meet?" Was this really the conversation we were having at dinner? It was fine when it was about him but this was getting too deep for my liking.

"College." I took a jab at him. I hoped that that would be the end of the conversation but it wasn't. I should be comfortable telling him anything but apart of me wanted to keep it private.

"X and I took a couple of classes together and realized we lived in the same building and became cool. Then we got a lot cooler and poof! Aden." I gave him a little more information.

"I don't know I guess that... Maybe I wanted to know because..." he paused and I sat in anticipation.

"Listen I like you. A lot." I blushed at his comment.

"We have established that" I laughed. He was assertive and said what he wanted a lot.

"I just want to know that if we got that far where we could be together, and I mean for real..." He continued to beat around the bush. Eric struggled to maintain eye contact with me while he gathered his thoughts.

"You like me huh." I flipped my hair.

"How many girls you pull that line on? All of these offices all over the world I know I'm not the first." I got straight to the point. I had watched the men in my old office prey on the interns and new partners for years so I was hip to the game.

"I never wanted to be apart Douglass & Graham but I'm an only child so my dad let me wild out and then Gia was born and I turned down." He explained the rest of his child hood and I could understand not wanting to be up under your dad all the time.

"Bottom line I just want you to know I'm serious about you." He let his sentence linger like smoke. Our food came just in the knick of time. Just like with Xavier I felt myself being afraid to be with someone but this was different. I just didn't want to mess anything up he was too perfect.

"Well I can assure you that the only good thing about my son's father is the fact that I have Aden. X was umm... a mess."

"Good to know." He repeated. I cut in to my steak. Our conversation went from past to present really quick.

"Are you ready to start at the Huston office?"

"No. I'm a little nervous. It's like being the new kid in the middle of the school year." I said in between fork fulls. Truthfully I am fine with just doing my job and going home but it was more about keeping this situationship on the low. Believe me it's harder than it seems especially when your the only one who wants it private.

"I can take your mind off of it really really need it." He said finishing his food. Soon after I finished mine and we just sat in the booth.

"I have to get back to Aden. I didn't want to take advantage of Jaimie especially on the second night." She had already done more than enough.

"You think I'm going to let you walk away from me while you looking this good? Nah don't do me like that." I smiled knowing he was serious.

"Come on spend the night with me before I have to turn on the corporate charm." When the waiter came back he paid the bill with no hesitation.

"You know I want you too."

"Then let me. I'll talk to Jaimie and let her know." He pleaded with me to get my phone I knew it wasn't a problem but I didn't want so have a night in the town and leave my sister with my kid. But I gave in anyway. In the way back to my place it was completely confirmed that Jaimie is the best person ever. She encouraged me to get some and do it for the both of us. Jaimie let me know what the baby was already asleep anyway so I didn't have to rush.

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