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" My brother picked the baby up today. I can't hide the baby from my family now that we are in the same city." Even though my mother was still pissed at me I let her take Aden for the weekend. Drew finally dropped the X thing and Eric picked it up.

"You and your mom cool again?" He was surprised that I even let her see him let alone keep him for three days.

"Cool enough. Are we cool?" I came clean about where all if the gifts came from. He was completely fine with the father of my child buying stuff for his son but the stuff for me was the problem. He had every right to feel a way but their wasn't much u could do about it.

"Cool enough." He replies and placed his hand on my lower back. We kept our voices down while walking to the parking garage. We walked at a normal pace leaving the office. I was thrown off when he walked me all the way to my car.

"I can't make sure one of my valued team members makes it to her vehicle safely?" I continued to check out our surroundings.

"I don't see anything wrong with it." He opened my door once I hit the button to unlock the car. He leaned in a bit before I got in. I bit my lip slowly sliding in from between my teeth.

"You have that look in your eyes Amari. As much as I want to slip my head up this dress out here you know I can't." He didn't make eye contact with me. I started to play dumb. Since our office accident neither one of us initiated sex. The scent was of his cologne weakened my will power.

"I don't know what your talking about." A bold faced lie. My clit jumped at the thought of him. I kept myself occupied all day with work not only to have a free week but to keep my mind off of him.

"You like when I talk my shit and loose my temper so I'm not going to give you the satisfaction." He was correct. He had a long week and a hell of a day so me playing games didn't help.

"I'm sorry." I laughed a bit. I grabbed ahold of his tie, bringing him down to my lips. He laughed as well when I kissed his neck.

"Follow me." He sort of demanded. He continued looking around the empty garage.

"Where are we going?" I could seen how hard he was getting before he started walk off.

"This is about to get a little unprofessional Ms. Williams so forgive me. I'm going to lead you to my house so I can fuck you until you can't breathe." He grabbed my hips bringing me closer him.

"You feel that? That's for you." He growled in my ear before walking to his car.

"Have to pack a bag at least!" I called after him.

"I'll get you what you need." He said. It even turning around. I was already breathless when I got in the car. Pulling off I followed his instructions. I followed him through traffic simply imagining what his place looked like. Thinking about his different it could be from where he stayed in Atlanta.

After a few exits and turns I was pulling in to another garage. I parked next to him and got out of the car first.

"You really want me to stay here all weekend without any clothes?" He waited until we got closer to snatch my keys out of my hand.

"You don't need these." He took me by the waist and threw my keys in his car before locking the door. I had no time even think about talking before his tongue was in my mouth. I let out a soft moan not think about anything else. Before I knew it the idea of being locked in with him wasn't bad. Now him taking my phone while my son was with my mom was a no go and he already knew the deal.

"Or these baby."  He referred to my panties. I guess this garage was safe to rip my clothes off. 

"Eric. Are you crazy?" I dug my nails in to his shoulders hoping that he would pop back.

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