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Hey y'all this IS an update. But first...
Wanna know more about Amari's older brother Tyson? He is fresh out of jail after Six years and you can read all about it in the Long Time No See spin off FRESH OUT! The first two chapters are up now!

Eric wouldn't leave and I want sure if I wanted him to. I knew that I didn't want to go back-and-forth and bring other people into our relationship to prove my point. The joy watching him squirm at the in known was much more fun.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm glad we are back to smaller accounts." I said to Rachel as I gathered my things to go back to my office. My new task was an independent women's clinic that had great ideas but horrible execution.

"I'd never thought I would be tired of free travel but I am. You pulling an all-nighter I see." She said looking at the clock. There was a good hour and half before the office closed I could have.

"I don't think so. I really don't want to." I laughed realizing that I was tired. I didn't want to do anything but go home and her in the bed after a long hot shower.

"Not even work at home?" She asked, making fun of me just a bit. Normally I taken my laptop home and not fall asleep until it's time to wake up again.

"I want to take Thursday and Friday off but I think I can make it." I thought about Rinney's basketball game later tonight. I had been back in Texas and hadn't been to one of his games and he wouldn't let me forget it.

"You got easy love because this family chain restaurants is killing me." I tucked my hair behind my ear allowing her to get all her frustrations out. I wasn't sure how she ended up with the with an account like that. It baffled me that people could pay for a consultant to help them with their business and refuse to listen to them.

"I'd drop it if I were you. Honey I don't have time." I said opening her door to return to my office.

"You're right." She said as I exit her office.

"Hey are you going to the happy hour tonight?" She asked just as I slipped out of the door. My first priority was to takeoff my shoes and find comfort in my slides.

"My baby brother has a game tonight." I said after changing my shoes and popping back in.

"I'm debating but it looks like I'll be here all night. The want to go as soon as work is done too." She added. I looked at my watch noticing that the day was over.

"Thais I'm like twenty minutes." I said thinking that the time chive was odd. I needed to go change my clothes and handle some things before I thought about that. I finally texted my little brother back to let him know that I will be at his game.

"I may as well drink at home."

"Ole boy been up here a lot more often." I knew that I wasn't the only one that noticed Marcus was moving around the building a lot more than normal.

"All I'm going to say is if you ever need a work quickie the basement is always open." She sat back in her chair. I played along as if I want in need of a lot more than a quickie myself.

"I didn't know y'all was getting down like that." I gassed her up. Such a shame I couldn't tell her that the executive experience was 10 times better.

"It's a bad habit but..."  Josh knocked on the door, stopping her train of thought.

"Join us please." I just  laughed knowing that she wanted us to hook up.

"Just wanted to know if y'all were going to the bar." I stepped in to the office leaving him space to stand in the door way.

"Amari has a basketball game and I'm not really feeling it." He stood confused.

"My little brother has a game tonight at Weston." I added.

"They are doing pretty well this year I hear." He said leaning in a bit more.

"They usually do. I better go before I'm later than I already am." I looked at my watch realizing time was ticking. It was just after 5 and the hame started at 5:30. I said my good byes and packed up my things in my office.

"You can't miss all of the happy hours. You have been her for a few months now." Josh walked past laughter and he was right. At some point I would need to come out if my shell.

"I got you next week." I shit back as I texted Eric. I turned off if the lights an rushed down stairs to get Aden and then to the car. I took my time getting him in to his seat and proceeded home.

Normally Eric will be here to watch him while I shower but since he wasn't at least the babies playpen just out side of my bedroom. I made my shower quick so I could have enough time to get him a snack and freshen him up. I ran the flat iron through my hair and slipped on a pair of jeans with the shirts my mother had custom made for us.

"Ready?" I asked prepping myself to Cary and hold Aden for the whole game. He looked up at me and smiled as I bent down to pick him up and headed out. I was an hour late but with Drew holding seats is should be fine.

I walked in just at the start of half time.

"5:30?" I asked Drew noticing that he over exaggerated the start time of the game.

"And you were still late." He took Aden, sitting him in his lap. I looked around the gym before responding to Eric who wanted to know what I want for dinner. He continued to be in his best behavior. Nothing about food came to mind but I let him know that I wanted to be eaten.

"Listen I had to run home. I that his little girl friend?" I asked noticing a young lady with his number on her face.

"One of them." I began to notice that there were a few young ladies with the number 12 pained on their face.

"The ghetto..." I said getting in to the half time show.

"Where is Tyson?" Drew asked me as the played came back out for the second half of the game.

"The hell if I know. He was supposed to be here with you." I took another look around the gym before zoning in to the game.

"Come in Rinney!" We began to cheer him on.

"You're boy is here." Drew said making sure no one heard him. I looked around completely oblivious. Eric wouldn't be here especially because he was at my apartment.

"My what?" I laughed taking the bag of skittles out of his hand.

"X and some of his teammates. Brought Rinney and the team a whole bunch of shit. Called it the NFL give back." He was from the area so he could play it off, but we all know why he was here.

"Well played." I laughed. Now I did notice the banner on the announcer table that read "The NFL Give Back". It was surprising that there wasn't a big deal made about it a half time but I guess I missed it in the beginning of the game.

"I have got to admit it's creative. Plus he did do something good for the boys even if there was else something that motivate him." I wanted to drop the subject because he could have called me.

"Keep your hands up Rin! Shit." I yelled in the middle of our conversation.

"X is a joke."

"You still have feelings for him. When this game is over and he followed you to your car, we are going to be all smiles." He said back.

"Shut up." I said not really knowing what to say next. He was definitely right about having to talk to him at the end of this game.

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