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3 days before NY

"Isn't that his house?" Amari asked as I helped her out of the shower. She was all dry and really feeling the pain of being pregnant with two babies.

"It is." I said as I helped her apply lotion to her skin. I Klee her handle her belly area because I know she was sensitive about it. She let Me rub all over her body before speaking again.

"And he is going to let her stay in that house with baby that isn't his?" She asked I reference to Ken and Myra. We had been settled into our new home for about a week and a half which means that Ken had been using the condo for about a week.
"He needed space. You know he's trying to get his practice up and going and he just finished school. He has a big heart too. Like he knows that she isn't gonna have anywhere to stay a while she should've thought about that before opening her legs, she'll definitely think about it after this divorce." Ken was smart. He had a formal prenuptial agreement that Myra was against at first. He wanted to make sure that she was comfortable signing it and that it benefited both parties. So when he received pushback from her he was willing to sit down at the table with lawyers and figure out what was best. She was adamant on the cheating clause and because of that he made sure that it went both ways.

"You are a really good friend." She said as she slipped the 4x shirt over her head.

"I have good homies." I said looking down at her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like two babies are playing with my insides." She said laughing as she walked out of the bedroom and over to our new California King bed. I knew that they had been keeping her up at night and the only thing that helped was sex.

"No pain right?" I asked standing in the  door way. I watched her did down and get comfortable in the sheets.

"I'm fine baby." She said as Aden walked in the door. He was very comfortable and I new home and absolutely loved his new room. It was twice the size of the room he had at home and gave him all the space in the world to grow into. His hair was all over his head and you could tell that he was still in a sleepy daze. He was led over to me and attached himself to my leg and yawned as his mother and I spoke.

"I know you are fine, fine as hell, but are you in pain?" I asked again while running my fingers through Aden's hair.

"No I'm not in any pain. I'm just tired." She laughed.

"Let me know if you need that thing to put you to sleep. I'm going to pack his bag." I said smiling and bending down to pick Aden up.

"Are you sure you want to take him?" She asked. I did, I know that taking him with me to New York would make Gia really happy on her birthday. It was a simple gesture and and it will let me know if I still had my dad magic.

"It sounds like you aren't sure." I know she was concerned about me taking him especially because it was going to be a first time on our own. We would be in New York for three days which was gonna feel like any tiny day to have.

"Being without both of y'all will be hard  but baby girl will be happy..." she paused.

"What's on your mind?" I asked as Aden grabbed my chin and then my nose.

"I don't know how her mother is going to react. I don't care what you say she still wants a part of  you and I don't know if this will set her off." She shrugged.

"Let me deal with her." I said giving the baby the attention he wanted.

"Ok. If you say so." She replied.

"You gone miss me huh?" I asked.

"Our appointment to find out the gender is the day of her part. I called and changed it until after you come back." She said.

"It's definitely a boy and a girl." I replied. I was hell-bent on naming the twins Eric and Elle now.

"We will see when you get back. Please don't make me have to cuss your baby mama out."

"I promise. It's going to be all good." I said not knowing for sure.

"I hope so..." she said. It was obvious that her main concern had nothing to do with my daughter's mother.

"When is ole boys mama coming to see him?" I asked knowing that his mother his mother planned her visits in advance.

"When you get back." She said. I know he would normally be gone for about a week.

"Then maybe he should stay." I said knowing that she would be in a slump if he was gone that long.

"It will be a lot on him. Flying from New York and back and then to Atlanta... Then maybe to D.C." She said softly. My eyes shot from the baby to her.

"D.C. huh?" I asked knowing that this visit would obviously include her baby's dad.

"I think that's in her plan. He has a game." She said. I will be lying if I said I didn't feel a type away. Even though in my eyes I was his father I knew that there were come days like this. I just I just shook my head and took a deep breath.

"I wouldn't want him to miss that. He should stay." I said shifting my weight. It was a big decision for me to make because honestly I could've stayed in New York for a week and taking him with me. Even though I considered it for an instance, I realized how much trouble that will bring her.


"It's cool. Let his ass play daddy. I don't need his ass at my house for his birthday party." I said still leaning in the door way. I reminded her that we were definitely in the process of planning a small gathering for his third birthday party. Everything will move pretty fast. I will be in New York for a few days, come back and find out the gender of the babies, and then birthday party. She had done a lot of the groundwork but her sister will be able to help her with the rest while I was gone.

"So you are saying that... I mean I understand." She cut herself off.

"I'm saying that he needs to stay away from me at my house. He wasn't at a second birthday party but I was. Why does he need to be here now?" I asked. He needs to celebrate on his weekend.

"There will only be a few people here anyway. Your friends and feel my friends and you will finally be able to meet my brothers." She said. I figured that she didn't mention her mother because of her sister. I didn't know much about that relationship but I knew that that is where she drew the line.

"I'm looking forward to it."

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