Picture Perfect

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"$275,000" I said dropping the bag on the ground as I walked in to Shawna's house.

"I appreciate you man. I just gotta be ready the want 1.3 million." He said as I walked through the door. I noticed the smile on his face and a difference in his mannerism.

"What about the house?" I dug deeper.

"It's hers. She sent me what she wanted and stated that she wanted this over ASAP. So I'm giving her what she wants." He said walking through to his kitchen island. We sat on the stools and continued our conversation. I watched him closely even noticing a bounce in his step.

"Why didn't you just marry Shawna from the beginning?" His situation was beginning to really stress me out. For some reason it was easier to have everything as a secret.

"She was right. Shawna wasn't letting me do what ever I wanted the way that Eva was. I loved the idea of Eva." He began to explain.

"Nigga the idea?" I laughed.

"Nigga we in the same boat if you think about it. Every relationship starts with an idea. Think about you and Amari. You wouldn't have pursued her if you didn't think it was going to work. If it didn't fit the idea or mold of what you wanted for life. It goes both ways."

"This isn't exactly what I pictured but I guess you are right." When I though about it I could see myself with Amari and I made it happen.

"I always knew that it was fucked up but Eva let me do shit that... I got away with a lot of shit. It was time for me to come clean and get right. I have taken the time to apologize to her."

"I hear that" I zoned out for a bit. I looked down at my hands before He spoke again.

"What's on your mind?" He asked getting up from the stool he occupied?

"You apologized?" I asked skipping over his question.

"Yeah. No women should have to go through what I put either of them through. I had to let her know that she has every right to hate me." He said. I sat quietly but I didn't know what to say.

"I know it won't make it better but still I needed to say it. After I did she told me her demands and we started the process." He finished.

"Now what's on your mind?" He asked again.

"I think Yani is going to put me on child support bro. I feel like she is going to do something dumb." I took a deep breath after reflecting on the call we had earlier.

"Y'all were good together. Great even what happened?" He asked me.

"I don't know man. I got with Mar and shit switched. Now we can't even have a conversation with out it going all the way south. She was my homie at one point." In reality I knew that Yani wanted to keep her family together but it just wasn't working for me. I can only imagine how it must make her feel to see me with something else but I had to move on.

"If you weren't with Mar would you be with Yani. Better yet, where you messing with Mar when you were with Yani?" Kyle asked me. He really made me think.

"Shit." It all clicked in the moment.

"Mmmhmmm." Kyle said as if he knew he would trigger me.

"I was messing with all of them at one point." I admitted.

"All? All of who? There is only Yani and Mar." he tried to help me keep track.

"Hadiya. I saw here when I was in LA. I was so pissed at Mari and the whole pregnancy thing. I told her I had a relationship even though I still felt a way towards Amari. I should have fucked her but how would that have helped." I started to ramble.

"So there was three? Including the model chick?"

"Yeah, Yani's period was late, real late and then we... We started to think about getting back together but she wasn't pregnant. That conversation may have stuck with her." I kept the details out. There was a point of over lap where I was in New York and I was fucking Yani in between visits with Amari. I never saw how the indiscretions in the early stages of our relationship could affect us until now.

"There you have it. The pillow talk got you in trouble." He said as I ignored my phone ringing.

"It's my fault. The way I talked to her earlier was crazy but she deserved a little of it." I said as the phone stooped ringing and rang again.

"It's worth it. Don't let the courts get in yall shit." He said as the calls stopped and turn in to text messages. When I looked at the phone Amari was the one calling. I called her back, letting Kyle know I was in the phone as I placed it to my ear.

"That bitch took our pictures and sold them to a fucking blog." Amari said as the call connect.

"The pictures we just took?" I asked complete caught off guard.

"YES THE PICTURES WE JUST TOOK!" She yelled in the face to the phone. I instantly got a head ache as I realized how many social media notifications I had after checking.

"How the fuck could this have happened?" I asked her.

"The photographer told me they were stolen but a friend of his. Myra's ass took them and sent them to Yani."

Long Time No SeeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora