Linclon Estates

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Game night

"Amari, beautiful as always. It's good to see y'all."Evalyn's said giving me a hug. She took Amari's jacket before leading us in to her living room.

"Good to see you Eva." I said as she hugged me as well. I noticed that her dining room table had arrived as Amari looked down to see if her bump was noticeable. I grabbed her hand to draw her attention to someone else. If she acted as if it wasn't there everyone else would too. She automatically calmed down as her hand settled in to mine.

"Heeeey." The group said as we walked in. The gas he was all there including Myra and Ken. Amari opted to sit next to Jannelle and her husband Dre since they hit it off the last time. Ashlyn and her husband Ryan sat across from us while Carmen, Tian, Nicole as their husband sat around as well.

"Regardless, if a women isnt wet enough it's because of you dog." Kyle said as we walked in.

"What's going on y'all." Janelle asked as we sat down.

"Nothing much. Hope we didn't miss too much." Amari responded.

"I promise we are just getting started. Dre and Janelle were telling us how sex works with a set of twins." I saw Amari's expressions change as as the conversation started again.

"Told you." I whispered.

"Our lives revolved around them for the first 8 months. I mean we worked and came home to the kids. Your house warming was the first grown up outing we had in almost a year. Before we hired a nanny we were fucking in cars like kids." Dre began.

"It was hard as hell but we had to realize that I didn't want to loose what we had before the girls. I never thought that I would hire a nanny because I can raise my own kids but she helps." Jannelle finished.

"What about y'all. You are the last to share." Amari smiled ant me waiting to see if I was going to speak first.

"We make it work." I paused knowing that that wouldn't cut it.

"I mean Aden is young and can sleep through a thunderstorm. It's mostly about timing." She finished my sentence.

"Well it's time for the cards so we will let Amari pick first." Kyle said loving the night along. Amari reached out to pick card from the deck of black cards.

"She has to answer the first question." Nicole said she was about to read the cars.

"That's true." Ashlyn added.

"When we ask the question say the first thing that comes to mind." Evalyn looked at me.

"Oh this must be serious." Amari sat up and matched the energy of the other ladies.

"What is something that Eric can do better than your ex's? Eric gave me the best "blank" I have ever had." She smiled, blushing and glancing over at me.

"You ready." Eve said before starting by the countdown.

"Y'all don't play huh? Ok" She nodded before she answered.

"Eric has given me the best head I have ever had. I mean he just... it's the best I have ever had." She stooped herself before getting to deep.

"I would think the football play would have had that on lock." Myra began to speak.

"Bitch you..." I was caught off gazed by the comment but Eva did a good job spinning the conversation.

"The last game night was for the men to speak their truth and this time the questions will be for the women" Evalyn said.

"Relax. You know she always has something to say." I said so only she could hear me.

"She doesn't even know me." She said back. As Eva got the others to talk about the last game night.

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