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"She wants to stay with you at my house." I informed Amari as I walked out of the plane and through the jet bridge.

"She wants that or you?" It was fair that she didn't believe that Gia was clear in what she wanted.

"It was all G." I assured her. This conversation seemed normal. I didn't feel like I was talking to an ex.

"I get it but I can't beat her mamas ass if she had a problem now that I'm pregnant." She let me know that she was fine with watching my daughter but there were other elements stopping it from happening.

"Pregnant, that sounds good but I can't have my baby mama out here scrapping." I said to get a reaction.

"It does sound good I just wish I could eat. I can't keep anything down." I grew concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get all worried on me I'm fine. We are fine. You just better make sure your first baby mama is level headed." She said

"I'll take care of her mother babe." I said walking through LAX.

"I'll go get her." She said. Gia loved Amari and I knew she would behave but I also knew that Amari may be a little hesitant.

"Thank you." I said with a hint of flirtation.

"How was your flight?" I looked over a Hadiya before answering.

"It was smooth. I'm on my way to the hotel now so call me when you and the kids get back to the house." I said nearing the exit.

"Ok. I will. Evalyn called me about going to her house for that game night. She isn't letting it go." She responded.

"You wanna go?" I asked knowing that Kyle wasn't going to let it go.

"I guess. It could be fun."

"Cool. How do you feel about Disneyland next week?" She fell silent.

"Like Disneyland?" She asked causing me to smile.

"Yeah all four of us. A couple days."

"Sure. Yeah ok." She talked herself in to it.

"You cool with taking Gia shopping with you and the Aden? Get some nice stuff for the trip?" I could tell she was confused but I was serious.

"Sure. If that's what you want."

"There is appointment for the babies a couple hours after you land. I don't know if..."

"Meet me at the airport?" I asked her before she could finish.


"I Love you Amari." I said honestly.

"I Love you too." She said as we hung up the phone.

"Kids? Pregnant?" Hadiya asked as she walked beside me. I thought about venting to her but that's what I had Kyle and God for.

"Twins." I said.

"You always were a family man."

"Why are you in LA? Shouldn't you be in Chicago or something?" I looked up to see my car service waiting for me.

"I have a shoot downtown and I moved out here about a month ago. You caught me flying in from Miami." I remembered how had it was to clear or schedule to see each other.

"To the Intercontinental Hotel sir?" The driver asked as I walked up to him. I nodded my head as she took out her phone.

"Whew you got money huh?" She laughed scrolling through Uber.

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