A and B

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3 Months Later
June 29 • 3 am.

"I can do that." I said unpacking the majority of the baby shower gifts as she said in the chair that took forever to find.

"You don't think it's too much?" She asked as she looked at the bag we packed for the hospital. She was almost full term and the last three months of our relationship had been pretty sturdy. We both took about a month apart before we got back together officially and focused on our relationship. For the first time ever I was able to step outside of my comfort zone and say what was on my mind in the moments in outlet things like that. Once we realize if that was a problem that we had I think we both of them eager to fix it.

"I think we have everything we need. I do wish you would get some sleep." I said watching her anxious filled movements.

"I can't. I haven't gotten any really sleep for a while if I'm not out to sleep." She said reminding me of our late night routine. There were some nights wear we watched her favorite move and others were she let me put my mouth on clit to speed up the process.

"We are almost at the finish line." I said  remembering that we had our last appointment soon. By the time that happened she may have already gone into labor or the doctors may want to induce.

"Eric." She said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I love you." She said making me smile.

"I love you too baby." I said walking over to kiss her forehead. Don't even of reminded me how happy I was for us to be back in the space.

"They may be coming sooner rather than later." She said as I helped her out of the chair.

"You think so?" I asked as we walked out of the nursery to head to the bed room.

"Contractions are about 10 minutes apart." She said softly causing me to stop in my tracks. Once I turned to her she began to bite her lip.

"Are you serious? You sat though contractions and didn't say anything?"

"I didn't want you to... I needed to be sure." She said.

"And are you sure? Are you in labor?" I said getting antsy.

"I'm in something for sure. I don't want you to panic..."

"I'll call the doctor. Stay here." I said about to run off to get my phone.

"So stand here?" She asked causing me to come back out and grab her hand.

"Do you want to lay down?" I asked.

"That would be nice." She laughed. As we walk step-by-step back to the master bedroom.

"It's not funny." I said as I noticed her taking deep breaths.

"The situation isn't but you are. Just relax. We practiced before and this isn't your first go round..." She said as we walked into our bedroom and closer to the bed.

"I'll call the the doctor and you call Kyle to let them know that it's time." She said calmly. We were about to bring two babies into this world and I was literally losing my shit.

"Yo she is... it's happening bro." I said pacing back and forth.

"I'm on my way." He said as he got out of bed. I walk back to the master bed room when she called my name. I began to calm down as I reminded myself that I have been through labor and delivery before.

"What did they say?" I asked still on the phone with Kyle and turning the corner into our bedroom.

"My water broke." She said still in a calm, almost sultry, voice. We stood and stayed at each other for quite some time before she asked me if I was OK.

"Yeah lets go. I gotta get you to the hospital." I said. I thought about this moment for months. How I would react, what I would say. And just as I had, my self-down my anxiety has shot back up to the roof.

"Baby get the bag." She said smiling at how jumpy I was. I looked down and saw the Kyle was on the phone and in his car. I doubt it from room to room getting wet we need it before I came back to our room to see her in the closet grabbing another set of clothes.

"Are you worried about fashion?" I asked.

"I can't go in there looking like this. Help me get this off." She said before walking in to the bathroom. Once I ears the shower start I knew she was serious. I pause and went to help her out of the shirt and shorts that she was wearing held her into the shower.

"You know you won't be wearing this anyway?" I said pointing to the dress that she said out.

"I know. But I still wanna take a shower. Plus Kyle is not here yet. I think I'm dilated enough that by the time we get there they will be ready to go." She said scaring the shit out if me as she tried her best to shower fast.

"Mar how long have you been..."

"Can you pass me the towel." She said rinsing off and turning off the water. I helped her dry off before Kyle came in the front door that I unlocked from my phone. Within a matter of minutes we were able to get her dry, moisturize tutee, and clothed. It was the highest thing to do with her still having contractions that seemed to never stop.

"Y'all go have them babies. Uncle Kyle's got this." He said as we came down the steps with an ice cream sandwich.

"Your lactose intolerant ass needs to use the downstairs bathroom when all of this go south." I said as we maids it down stairs and to the front door.

"Nigga whatever. By Mar!" He said as we made our way to the car.

We had been at the hospital for about two hours before baby A was born.

"She is so beautiful." I said as the doctor the doctor handed her to me. I tried to hide it but I was growing concerns since it was taking sometimes for baby B. I don't know many sets of twins but the ones that I do know can normally say that one is 10 to 15 minutes older which calmed my nerves.

"We have one more to go mom. Stay with me." She said as they prepared for baby 2. Amari Took the entire delivery process like a champ. I could tell she was tired but she wasn't gonna quit until it was all said and done.

"There you go!" The nurse cheered her on and she continue with the process. Even though she was afraid she didn't want to do a natural birth. She may show that she understood the rest.

"Come on baby." I said holding the baby one and and holding her with the other.

"It's Ok." I said to her as the doctors helped her push. About A minute later we were both relieved with the cries of the second baby.

"It's only two right?" Amari said breathlessly as the nurses swarmed the baby.

"Ten fingers, ten toes, and another baby girl." She said giving the baby Mari who was in tears.

"You did it baby."

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