4 am

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"Sleeping on the couch wasn't the best idea." It seemed like we fell asleep mid conversation but the point was proven. It was just after midnight and Eric got up to put Aden to bed before we tucked ourselves in to bed. Eric was able to fall asleep but I woke up every hour on the hour until he noticed at 4am.

"What's on your mind?" I heard him say from behind me. I turned over to face him without even thinking.

"You have been tossing and turning for a while. So tell daddy what's wrong." I laughed at the way he spoke.

"Nothing I just can't sleep." I said grabbing his beard.

"It's 4 in the morning. It's got to be something."

"Nope. Nothing." When I pulled him closer to me I just wanted a kiss but I got so much more.

"You taking advantage of me?" As soon as my hand grasped the waist band of his boxers.

"Nah." I said turning over, hoping he would finish what I stated.

"It's the trying to wake me up and not owning up to it for me." He whispered in my ear while sliding his hand between my thighs. Our bodies temporarily melted in to one before I realized how bad I wanted him even if it didn't start that way.

"Took you long enough." He lifted my right leg, positioning me on my side ever so slightly.

"Grab it and put it inside of you if you want it." He said as he held me in place from behind, testing my patience.

Aden had slept through the night and was just a groggy as we were. He sat in the middle of the both of us as we got our selves together.

"I know I'm cute but there is no need to stare." He noticed I was looking at him. I was actually in deep thought because it had dawned on me that while I tended to my insecurities Eric had his own. I couldn't help but think of what I was doing to make him think that I didn't love him.

"I can't just look at you?" I used one of his lines against him.

"Go head. You are going to be late." He said stretching out knowing that I had a meeting in an hour and a half. I wanted to ask him but maybe this wasn't the time.

"Shit." I realized that I had no clue what I was going to wear and had to do something to my hair. Thank god I don't wear makeup yesterday or I would really be in trouble. I didn't even question how Aden got out of bed, especially since I had the rails up. He slimed as soon as he hit the threshold letting me know that he wasn't in any pain.

"How about we get you some yogurt." I asked Aden in the hopes to have him speak a little more. We walked to the kitchen.

"Yeah. Straw straw." I smiled as his face lit up. Taking him to day care in the office was working out. He was definitely learning and it was clear now that he was able to make special requests.

"Strawberry?" I asked scooping him up and taking him into the kitchen.

"Straw-berry" He got closer to the full word as I sat him down. I went the refrigerator grabbing his request and a spoon.

"What you say baby boy?" Eric said returning my couch throw pillows back to their original positions.

"Strawberry" Aden said causing me to pop up.

"What did you say?" I said as if it was his first word. I almost had tears in my eyes.

"Strawberry." He said now in a full blown launch and making my heart smile. I opened the cup of yogurt in order to keep his attitude at a minimum.

"Good job papa." I tickled him.

"You need breakfast too. What are you going to eat?" He asked. He brushed past me.

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