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"You ain't got it in you." He walked behind me. He was right. I didn't have it in me but the mire he spoke the more I thought about it.

"Eric enjoy your night." I said putting an end to the conversation. I rolled my eyes thinking about how stupid I was. I moved to better myself, be closer to my family, and get away from the drama.

"Yeah I'll see you later." He said fixing the suit that I picked out. I turned, continuing back to the table where my sister was deeply engaged in conversation. I sat down, trying to regulate my facial expressions in order to act natural. It was only a matter of time for her to look from me to Eric. Jaimie automatically knew that I was on a lot more than a trip to the bathroom. By the way the Eric dramatically sat down, she could tell that it was not a pleasant situation.

"Are you ok." She asked in between the shift in topics. I nodded my head letting her know that I needed a drink. I decided that I would remain in my seat because Josh stood at the bar. It would take entirely to much energy to put on a show.

"Something stronger than wine?" She whispered, still entertaining the gentlemen next to her.

"Way stronger." I confirmed growing even more uncomfortable. I have lost all interest in the event and everyone who attended it. It was like everything around me was moving a hyper speed as I sat in slow motion. The time passed as dessert was finally served.

"I'm ready to go if you are. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." My sister said, lifting a weight off my shoulders.

"I didn't want to mess up what you and homeboy had going on... I'll just go get a drink." I said honestly, noticing Eric. She deserved to be happy and the way the smiled at each other could be the start.

"There is only an a few hours left. We all leave at 12." In an hour I would be able to stick around long enough to mingle and then slip out. I took Jaimie up in her offer.

"I'll text you when the driver is back." I made sure her phone ringer was turned on. She nodded her head before I got up. I sucked my stomach in as I walked towards the bar. Josh gave me a smile before sitting his glass down. I continued to walk towards him braving myself for what ever smart remark he would have.

"How are you?" He asked giving me a slight hug.

"I'm good. Just enjoying the night." I responded walking closer to the bar tender, and ordering my favorite.

"I wouldn't normally drink henny at a work function but it is free." I said to Josh as he refreshed his drink. We stepped down to the left of the bar, away from the bartender and commotion to continue our conversation.

"Everyone in here has already had their fair share on of henny by now." He made me laughed about how long it took us to get dressed and the crazy dancers that filled the floor.

"Is that why he got on the mic and gave us Monday morning off?" Even though my time was invested in Eric and I's Telenovela I didn't miss that.

"I would assume so. But he can't take it back because I won't be there." We laughed.

"Where is your date. I'm sure you didn't get all handsome to come in here alone." I took a sip and looked him in the eyes. I scanned the room as he prepared his answer.

"I would like to think that I'm handsome every day..." Josh cut his eyes at me.

"I didn't say that you weren't." I sharply shot back. We made eye contact when she broke when he finished his sentence.

"I'm here with my little brother. He's about to graduate high school and wants to become a lawyer. I told them that they will be very important people here tonight so I brought him so he could make his own connections." He scratched his eyebrow. Just look to his left and then back at me before pointing out the young man.

"That's actually really cool Josh." For a moment we dove deeper into the brotherly relationship that they shared.

"I try to show him the value of hard work and keep them off the streets." I thought about telling him about Tyson and my brothers but I decided to keep it simple.

"Wait. Since you kind of drilled me about who I'm here with who are you here with?" He asked causing me to laugh.

"Drill you? That's a stretch don't you think?" I tried to prolong the conversation.

"You are a slick one. Don't just try and change the subject as if I wouldn't notice."
He ordered another drink and I followed suit.

"My sister. She works really hard and always helps out with my son so she deserves a great night." He nodded his head.

"Family is important to you huh?" He asked. Well the question threw me off I couldn't say that it was completely out of the blue.

"It is. Especially baby, I need to protect him." I like the fact that he was actually listening to me but I didn't let it get to me. At this moment I didn't know if it was the wine or the henny that made me want to talk to him for hours.

"I haven't known you for a very long time but you are always on your grind. He is a luck little boy." I blushed at his comment.

"Thank you Josh" I backed up from him a little bit checking the text that Jaimie sent.

"Listen, i've got to get going but it was great talking to you tonight." Our driver was outside and ready to go and so was my sister.

"Hopefully now you won't avoid me in the office." He said almost at a whisper.

"Avoid you?" It's knowing exactly what he was talking about. They have been a many  of times we're out of ducked conversations and left early in order to not bee to close to him.

"Don't act like that. You know..." He walked back to the table with his younger brother sat collecting business cards. I drink the rest of my drink before noticing my sister stands in her feet. Even with all of the commotion happening I managed to see her exchange phone numbers with the young gentleman that she had talk to  all night. I was hoping she would at least tell me her name once we get into the car. Once you reach the bar we made sure we had all of our belongings, and interlocked our fingers and walk towards the grand doors of the museum.

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