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Saturday night
"How is Atlanta?" Eric asked a we talked over face time. As I dropped Aden off at his grandma's he picked Gia up from the airport.

"It's nice. Nicole put a lot of work into the decorations and stuff. Looks like you are in the bed." I looked around the room realizing that this was probably my last quiet moment to talk to him. Nicole was my college roommate and while she was from up north she never left Atlanta. For her 25th she was going to make sure that everyone had a good time especially me since I'm the mommy of the group.

"I am. Gia was exhausted after leaving the airport so I didn't have to do anything extra to get her to chill after she took a shower." He said stretching out.

"That's good. Sounds like she needed some rest." I added

"Y'all going out I see. Don't show me what you wearing it's only going to make me mad." He laughed making me smile as well. I rolled my eyes knowing that the jokes would continue.

"Shut up. You do t have any of your little freaks coming over while I'm gone?" I asked purely for a reaction.

"Just my hands and that video we made a few months back."

"Better be." I replied. Nicole and one of her friend, Symone burst in to the room.

"Shots O'clock. You can have five more minutes of cutie boo boo time but you have to take two shots." The glasses were already prepared.

"Drink up champ." Eric said over the phone. I liked how he encouraged me having fun instead of being a Debby downer.

"You heard the man." She said passing me one glass after another.

"Five minutes." The repeated before leaving the room. I instantly started to feel sick after the shots.

"Gia asked me about you as soon as she got off the plane. She was upset when she found out that you weren't going to be here for her first weekend." My heart melted even though he temporarily paused the conversation.

"Really that's so sweet." I dragged out each word.

"She cried Mari. It took me 20 minutes to get her in the car." I laughed not thinking he was telling the truth.

"You should have called me I would have talked to her." I said feeling bad that I wasn't there. It was good to know that Eric's daughter liked me.

"And have her take over my face time call? Nah. How is baby boy ok with being down there and all?" He asked.

"I talked to him before I called you. Apparently he asked for his daddy and threw a fit when his grandmother called X." His eyebrows shot up when I told him.


"She said she called X on face time, you know Aden knows how to use it or what ever, and when he saw X he went off. I almost went to go get him but he seemed like he calmed down after a while. It was bad but don't worry about it." I didn't tell him about how I had to explain who Aden felt like his father was.

"Damn." He scratched his head.

"I don't know what to say." He said trying to get his thoughts together.

"Times up." Symone knocked this time. Everyone already had their make up don't do it was all a matter of putting in shoes to leave.

"I love you, have fun, stay safe, and don't make me have to come down there." He said to me as a response to Symone.

"I love you too." I said before ending the call. I joined all of the girls in the foyer of the home to take pictures.

"Make sure you get my shoes." Nicole said to what seemed to be her personal assistant. With 3 million followers the photos were the most important to her. We took a lot of group photos before getting in to the sprinter van that Nicole arranged. The ride to the first club was filled with shots and snap chats. I felt like I was back on campus the way all of my worries faded away even though I refused to drink anymore.

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