Scared but Serious

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I sat at my getting ready for this quick trip to Dallas I would be taking tomorrow. I decided to make it a real trip and have mi sister and the baby come along. Jaime b needed to get out of the city and with a free trip she couldn't turn down a free trip.

I separated myself from my desk to hand the update for the Donoghue account. Pushing back from the desk I slid my heels back on my foot because it was simply too early in the day to walk around in slides. Grab the green file off of my desk I made my way to her office. I wasn't only met with Rachel behind the door but Josh as well. I took a deep breath trying not to let my emotions show on my face.

"Hey y'all." I said generally in order not to not offend anyone, mainly Josh.

"Hey what's up." She slid to the left in her roller chair so that her computer didn't block the view. I could feel Josh, who sat across from Rachel's desk, eyes follow me.

"Did you book your car yet." I asked  knowing damn well she forgot. Just as I expected she rushed to do so.

"Shit." She slid back over to her computer with her fingers moving a mile a minute. I stood right next to Josh who remains quiet while Rachel asked questions about my reservation.

"Is it hot in here?" I asked fanning myself with the folder I was supposed to be dropping off.

"A little." His looked me up and down. It was his wandering eyes that sent heat rolling through my body.

"Sorry y'all I keep a heater on high in her at all times. A cold Rachel isn't a happy one." She began to laugh not knowing what was really going on.

"I'm the exact opposite." I said sliding the folder on her desk.

"Good to know." He said low enough that only I could here.

"You ordering for lunch? I can't decide what I want." She reached behind her to catch the printing papers.

"I think I'm going to go out you know get some fresh air." Watching the people out side of the office buzz around made me jealous.

"Sounds like a good. Caleb's does have that lunch special." She rummaged through her desk looking for the menu. When she found it Josh asked to looked mentioning that he would like to come along.

"A sandwich sounds cool." I said thinking about what my taste buds desired. Hearing my office phone ring I temporary excuse myself and darted back to my office. My first thought was that it was downstairs calling because there was a problem with my son.

"Amari Williams." I answered the phone simply.

"I would hope so." Eric's voice rang through the phone. My eyes darted from the phone to the door.

"I guess my personal cell phone wasn't an option huh? I said dragging the phone cord with me towards the door. I made sure to keep my voice low.

I sat with my back to the door facing the window.

"I'll be late tonight." He would be picking his daughter up tomorrow putting our relationship on hold. I would be just a friend on Saturday when we took the kids to the zoo.

"I figured." I said almost at a whisper.

"Come here. Let me me..."

"On the office phone? I asked before he could get what ever seductive comment out of his mouth.

"Lick you." He obviously didn't care about our location. I bit my lip thinking about what could stop me from walking down the hallway. Instead I hung up.

"No. No. No." this is your fucking job." As soon I finished giving myself a pep talk he called back.

"Amari Williams." I said again giving him a chance to chill out. It was only 2 and he was giving me motivation to stay at work.

"I can not wait until tonight. Unless you want me to come over to your neck of the woods." Eric coming this way we did nothing to cause suspicion. Why do you already wonder why he called me to his office on my first day and I never provided her with an answer.

"Eric. You have got to stop." I rubbed neck while he pushed my buttons.

"I'm just getting started." This time he hung up on me. While this cat and mouse game was fun but it took away from my work. I exited my office, returning to Rachel's office. Lunch was still in my mind since I completely forgot about breakfast. After glancing over the menu myself I made my choice and Caleb's was definitely it.

"We were just about to call in orders." Rachel said as I returned. I said my order when prompted and even offered to go pick it it up.

"I'll go with you." I allowed him to brush past me as he stood to his feet.

"Hurry back y'all. I might parish." Rachel joked. Josh kept a respectable distance up until we reached the elevator. He took a step in my direction.

"I'm going to consider this date 2." He never took his eyes off of the elevator door once it closed.

"And when was date 1?" I looked at him knowing damn well this was my second week in the office. I placed my and on my hip looking directly at the side of his fact.

"My dreams." He said as we reached the first floor. Caleb's was directly across the street. I didn't respond to his comment because as of yesterday I was serious about Eric.

Later that night

I had just took the baby out of the bath when Eric knocked on the door. With Aden wrapped in towel I heard him close and walked to the door. I keep the baby close to me as I stood in my tippy toes to kiss Eric. He picked a movie that neither of us planned on watching while I git Aden ready for bed.

"Out like a light." I said kissing my son on the cheek before laying him down. Every time I he tried to fight his sleep he always lost. I watched him toss and turn before finding is own comfortable position. Once settled I turned in a monitor so I can watch him from the living room.

"You hung up on me." I said blocking the television.

"You hung up on me first." He ran his tongue along his bottom lip. I plopped myself next to him ready to argue.

"I'm glad to see you at getting along with your co workers." He allowed me to lay on his chest. I rolled my eyes already knowing his issues. I knew I wasn't going to get it because Eric didn't miss a beat.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said lightly, criss crossing my legs on the sofa.

"It means what I said." His eyes shot from me, to his phone, and back to the television. I could feel his attitude radiate from his body.

"I'm only thinking about you." I put some base in my voice. He didn't snatch away when I began to kiss his neck. I wanted to avoid the Josh argument at all cost.

"Oh really." He raised an eye brow at me. I bit my bottom lip looking him up and down. He was nothing less that thrown off about the energy I gave off.

"Really." I already knew that he was aware that I decided to go to lunch with Josh instead of fraternizing with him.

"You giving the this attention because you going to Dallas or is this the new normal?" He said sleepily as I he slowly wrapped his arms around me. I hesitated.

"Both." After talking time X I realized that there was nothing there.

"Excuse me if I'm a little taken back. Last night you sucked my dick like you were going to Dallas forever... twice actually and now your telling me..."

"That I'm serious. I'm scared but I'm serious." He nodded his head seeming a little uneasy.

"You dont have anything to be afraid of. I'm fine with all the stuff and as far as work..."

"You can not call me the way you did today. Not often anyway." All we needed was for his little assistant to slip up.

"I knew what you needed so I was trying to give it to that and more." His voice deepened as I pulled him closer.

"It's late. I don't want you to miss your flight in the morning" He tried to pull away. We all had to get to the airport before nine to be safe but I didn't care.

"You think you finna just leave?" I asked reaching for his belt.

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