Work Trip

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"So what do you think?" I had spent my morning going through the ins and outs of this company. Even though Eric woke up dog tired I was well rested. Jaimie, Aden, and I made it to the airport a bit later than expected but still in time for the flight.

"Expanding is definitely a possibility of not as soon as you think." I started to kill the hopes of the sure directors. Even as I laid out parts of my critiques and planning my mind was on the more enjoyable parts of my trip. I left the airport heading straight to the site leaving my sister to check in the hotel. This would allow me to take ever spare moment to be with my family.

"I don't understand." The women said back. Jenna Donoghue, the daughter of Margaret and Victor Donoghue, was beautiful. She had long, curly brown hair and the greenest eyes I had ever seen. She folded her hands on the long board room table as I spoke.

"Opening another location in a state like California with only two locations here in Texas isn't sensible nor cost-effective."I could see that she had an urge to carry her family's legacy but she was going to run it into the ground. I started to clam her down as I went in to the facts and figures.

"Now another location in Texas would work before branching out." I could tell that Jenna had something to prove to her parents and the only way to prove anything was to choose another city. She began to understand how here initial choice could hurt the company.

"Sounds good to me. I'd like to keep you and your counterpart in Austin on for when we do open the next location." We spoke for a while about everything under the sun before I left. In admired the weather while searching for my keys as I made it back to my car.

"Something about a women in a suit. Good god look at you." X sat on rental car scaring the hell out of me. I stepped back wondering how the hell I didn't see him when I walked out of the door. Had I been that out of it?

"How the hell did you..."

"How did I find you? It's not hard baby." He laughed still leaned up on the car. I rolled my eyes think about how fucking cocky he is.

"I don't have time for this shit today nor tomorrow." I stepped closer to the car, opening the back door, throwing everything with the exception of my phone and they keys in. I took off my blazer and threw it in as well before losing the door. I looked him up and down and folded my arms.

"Make time." He grabbed me, pinning me to the car.

"You remember when we met?" I let out a huge sigh because this was the start of a long ass conversation.

"Listen boy you need to let me go." He slid one of his hands down the side of my body.

"Do you?" I avoided eye contact as he tried to suck me in. Lord if I looked in to his eyes I don't know if I would be able to look away.

"What makes you think I forgot X?"  I continued to look at the sky and push him off of me but he was just too heavy.

"You told me you didn't care if I had just won the homecoming game, you would best my ass if I didn't move out of your way. When I looked down and saw your little ass looking up at me I knew I was ready to chase you until you were mine. You remember what you asked me on our first date?" I paused remembering how drunk I must have been to tell him, standing at 6 foot 5 inches that I would beat his ass.

"I have to go. Jaimie and Aden are waiting for me..."

" I came to talk to you. I need another chance Mar. Now do you remember what you asked me on our first date?" My heard started to pound while he whispered in my ear. I needed to get home to Eric as soon as possible. I pushed him off of me only able to move I'm a little bit.

"I ask you if there was anyone that would be mad that you're sitting in my face and not there's." His body was pressed against mine as was spoke.

"Exactly. We wanted each other then and we can continue to want each other now..."

"Fuck you. Don't you sit up here and say anything about a family because you didn't want it when you had it." I tried to keep my voice down. I got myself together trying not to dig myself in to a hole.

"This is a work trip so you..." He stopped me.

"So you boss, oops I'm sorry, fuck buddy is around here somewhere huh?" He looked around and laughed.

"Your asking questions about shit that don't concern you. X I gotta get back to my son so please get the hell out of my way." I opened the front door hopping it would have scraped his skin.

"Can I see him. Please Mar let me see him." I felt a little bit of sincerity in his voice as I turned around.

"My sister and I are going to take him to the zoo and then probably go eat in an hour so if you want to see your son for a bit... that's where he will be." He looked at the time and back at me.

"You swear?" He still tried to hold me close to him.

"Nigga what did I say?" I got in the car and spread off to the hotel. I thought about calling Jaimie before I got to the hotel but I needed to tell her in person. I turned on the radio, hitting the high way and wasting no time.

At the hotel

I took a shower while the baby napped and changed in to something a lot more comfortable.

"He may have called your job." Jaimie made a good point. I hadn't gone even thought about how he found me.

"That's a hell of a lot of effort." I woke Aden up from his nap to make sure he was clean and fed before we left.

"I told him we would be going to the zoo so he can see Aden. I told Eric too. Just so when someone takes a picture of us he knows it's nothing more." She agreed that she would have done the same. There wasn't a reason to hide it from Eric. Plus I never wanted to be a mother that intentionally kept A kid, especially my son from his father. Even though I know he wants a whole lot more than just to see his son he came all this way.

"How did work go." She changed the subject. I love how she knew when to do so. I wasn't sure if I made a mistake not nor did I want to y'all about it.

We talked for a few before Eric called. My sister and the baby walked down to the car while I picked up the phone.

"So let me get this right babe. You leave the meeting and this motherfucker is sitting on your car. Now he is going to meet you at the zoo to see his son. So you wanna to be ok when pictures of you and him get uploaded to the blogs saying y'all got back together. Right?" He was upset and that wasn't my intention. I wanted him to know so he wouldn't think I was keeping something from him.

"When you put out like that it seems like it's true and it's not. We aren't back together and this isn't supposed to be some big fairytale gathering." I tried to calm him down while grabbing the diaper backpack.

"How the fuck did he know you were down there Amari?" I could tell he was still in the office and didn't want to draw attention.

"Eric I don't know. I swear. Don't act like this."

"Look, I appreciate the honesty but I don't really want have this conversation right now I'll see you when you come back." He had a short conversation in the background. I was the cause of his irritation and I hated it.

"Eric I didn't..."

"I don't care about that man. I miss you. Just hurry back to Houston.

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