Ms. Who?

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Surprisingly I was on schedule and had Aden in the car with out a problem. Even though Jaimie had offered to watch the baby I couldn't put all on my baggage on her. I checked and double checked Aden's both his bag and mine before I got in the car. I looked in the rear view mirror be for backing out of my spot.

Pulling up to the office Eric's car was the first thing that I saw. A part of me regretted not talking to me last night but there was no changing it now. I hopped out and opened Aden's door but he was too in to one of the toys Eric bought him a while back. With the car seat in one hand and my bag in the other I proceeded to the elevator. I walked through the lobby lowkey finally feeling like an employee when I got to use my badge. Today for some reason Aden cried when I dropped him off making it 100 times harder to go upstairs. Laurel and I made eye contact as soon as I hit the door.

"That's definitely a diaper cry." I handed her the bag as I too Aden out to change him.

"It's fine Mrs. Duncun. I'll take care of it." I froze when she called me by Aden, well Xavier's, last name. It threw me off so we stood there for a few seconds battling over who would take him.

"Williams. I'm Ms. Williams." I snapped out of my fog. The fact I never even thought about being Mrs. Duncan it wasn't even wearing a ring made it a little worse.

"I'm sorry. Have a great day Ms. Williams." I probably made the girl feel bad but I needed to get that straightened out. Being the new kid on the block it was only a matter of time that I would be the topic of water cooler conversation.

"You as well." I kissed Aden and hurried up to my office to see if I can get more information on this landscaping company and why the need a consultant the better. In my line of work I have realized people will let their business go to shit before seeking help.

"Good morning." I spoke when I walked in the main door only to get a few dry hellos. I walked the long office lined hallway to get to my door. When I reached my door I noticed a green sticky note on the door as soon as I put the key in the lock. I snatched it off the door before reading it wondering how many people read it before me. I flicked on the light and logged on to my computer.

"You can't set up a dinner date with no form of contact." The sticky note read along with Joshua's number. I started to crumpled it up but decided not to. I left at the fact that going out for drinks turn into a full-fledged dinner date overnight.

When Rachel burst into my office I figured I wouldn't be able to get rid of her.
"The big bosses are here girl." She slid down in to one of the chairs in front of my desk. I started to ask her if she was crazy for rolling up on me at this time in the morning but the extra muffin she had in her hand calmed me down. I started to question her motives but it's good to have an office wife right?

"So the Donoghue Landscaping Company is trying to expand and it is our job to make sure that they don't loose everything in the process." Building businesses and brands up is what it I do. Hell, if it wasn't for me there would be no Xavier Duncan. I listed to Rachel run down the specifics of the company while Douglass, Graham, and all their Associates were walked down the hallway by none other than Joshua. He pointed and spoke mostly about all the technological advancements that were happening in the office as well as the building. He stopped directly in front of my office to showcase the touch screen monitor just to the left of my door. I let my eyes lock to mine while he gave his presentation. Joshua smiled noticing that my door was open and the note was gone. He directed the group further down the hall to the financial department.

"That's the basic. Your standard family owned business." I had completely zoned out.

"Right. Sounds interesting." I tried to make it seem like I was in tune to the conversation.

"We can visit a few of the sites tomorrow and throughout the week. I have got to get out of the office. I shook my head. She was my kind if chick.

"I looked in to The company a little bit and honestly it looks like they overpay their employees. Which is great in some aspects before their budget and what they're trying to do, not so much." I pointed out trying to focus again.

" I definitely agree that they need more help on their budget." She made notes as we spoke.

"Hello. Ms. Graham, oops I'm sorry Williams, can you make your way to my office when you get a chance?" Eric cut away from the ground all to ask the question.

Oh he has lost his everlasting mind

"Sure. In regards too what exactly?" I returned. I looked up from my half written notes. Eric clinched his jaw a bit just as Rachel turned to face him.

"The Donoghue account." Ge shot back.

"Well my partner Rachel..." I started to include her in this meeting but he wasn't having it.

"Just you. My office is located just out the main doors, to the left, and all the way down the hall." He left directly after his statement. Rachel turned around with that Giiiiiiirrllll look on her face.

"Do you know who that is?" I shook my head. I'm glad she glossed over his comments.

"If he wants to talk to you it's either really good or really bad." She but in to her muffin.

"I have a feeling it could be a little bit of both." I leaned back in my chair. I clicked through a few emails before she spoke again.

"So we have go to the Houston site, we can do that together probably tomorrow, and you can either go to Dallas or Austin." I wasn't ready to start traveling just yet but Dallas would be the place to go.

"Dallas. Definitely Dallas." I haven't been since I was a kid and even though it was for business I wouldn't turn it down.

"We have til the end of next week to get some perspective on these places hopefully we can get started as soon as possible." She closed her pad folio and got up.

"Hope all is well with the boss. I'm headed to get our travel approved." I nodded and let her leave. I was glad that she finally stepped out because I knew Eric couldn't care less about an account. The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that I intentionally missed his call but how would he know that?

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