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I expected him to have more of an opinion on how I handled Yani but he didn't. The next morning he changed the sheets while I have the baby a bath.

"Babe you out of fabric softener?" He yelled as I took Aden out of the tub.

"I shouldn't be" I replied meeting him in the hallway. Aden begins to smile when he saw Eric standing at the end of the hall. His little laugh filled the hallway as Eric smiled back.

"You check the shelf?" He looked up grabbing the bottle. I could tell that there wasn't much in the bottle.

"I'll pick some up today. I have been meeting to go to the store anyway." I said continuing to Aden's room to get him dressed before he got cold. I made sure to moisturize his skin before putting a pajama set on him. I heard the washing machine start while I tried to led Aden choose which pattern w would start the day in. After I minute, he grabbed one and I was able to get him seedy and move on.

"Come on." I reached out to Aden bringing him with be to my bedroom. Eric was already well in to the processes of making the bed up when we joined him.

"Yani you gotta let that shit go." I walked in noticing he had an AirPod in his ear. I'd rather him deal with her sooner rather then let it build. I left him to finish the conversation as I began to brush my teeth. I stopped deciding to run some bath water. Even after showering last night I could use a good soak.

"So what?" I could hear him yell as I poured a little oil in to the water. I had become a pro at multitasking with Aden on my hip and he always helped his mom out.

"Yani, she told you the truth about what the fuck I was doing even though it was none of your business." I chuckled as I handed Aden the tube of toothpaste to hold.

"You got it?" I asked him.

"Yeah yeah." Yeah was his first word and obviously his favorite. I continued brushing my tears while keeping an eye in him. I made sure to put the top on the tube to prevent and overflow accidents but he was going to discover how to twist it off any day now.

"On your way down here for what? We don't have anything to talk about if it's not about my baby. We have been great co parents don't fuck it up." I was able to turn off the bath water before rinsing and spitting. I started to feel like shit knowing I played apart in the demise.

I stood in the door way of the bathroom getting a glimps if him sitting down after fluffing the pillows. He held his arms out for Aden, making him a happy baby. I stepped closer to make the exchange easier.

"I'm taking a bath." I tried to keep my voice down as much as possible. I walked the baby to the side of the bed where he sat.

"I got him." He used his shoulder to hold the phone in place as Aden got comfortable. He licked his lip and didn't hesitate to pucker them up. I smiled lifting his chin and kissing him.

"You can't be fucking serious!" She yelled still tripping over the phone.

"Stop." I whispered as the kiss almost turned in to a full blown session.

"Whats with the tooth paste tube?" He asked as Aden held it firmly in wine hand while touching Eric's face. He sat the phone down.

"He won't let it go now."  I said walking back into the hot steamy bathroom. I couldn't wait to have a relaxing moment. Even with the argument going on outside of the door I was still able to let the water steam away my tension. The smell of eucalyptus opened up my sinuses as the time started to fly I started to make mental notes about what I needed from the store before I realized I could stay here all day. Ten minutes felt like two. I drained the bathtub, turning on the shower making sure to give my body a great scrub. I couldn't for get to use my honey pot products as I cleaned myself once more.

Once I got out of the shower and he wasn't on the phone. He opened the door clearly stressed out. I looked him up and down unwilling to speak.

"What's on your mind?" He asked me as I grabbed a towel.

"Nothing. I mean I may have taken it too far last night but..."

"She is looking forward a reason to crazy. Yani has a problem that you showed up to my place when you got back from Dallas. Gia told her mother about how "Daddy's lady friend" helped her sleep when her mother was late picking her up." He said without me having to ask.

"I didn't know she was there, hell I didn't even know if you were there. I told you I would have left." I started spitting out random thoughts.

"I wasn't going to ask you to leave. It was better that you stayed because at least you meeting her wasn't all stuffy and weird. She formed her own opinion about you." I didn't have much to say. I didn't need this conversation going left so instead I simply continued to get dressed.

"This is a mess. I don't want her to keep your daughter from you because I spent two hours with her. Half if she was asleep." He only got to see her for two weeks every three months and it was important to him. With Gia's private schooling it was important for her to be in a stable environment.

I brushed past him to put on a pair of panties. The easiest choice was a T shirt and a pair of biker shorts.

"She has the idea in her head that we are going to be together, have more kids, and be a family. I don't know where the hell she gets it." I looked in the mirror making sure I looked ok before responding.

"Eric I don't want to be responsible..."

"She isn't your problem. My daughter is almost 7 and can speak for her self."

"That's why she calls herself looking at places down here? She wants your sperm?" There's nothing wrong with wanting all of your children to be by the same man. However I just feel like you need to be with that man in order for that to happen.

"I told her that I planned on being in Texas instead of New York for the long hall. I didn't tell her that you were the reason." I sat down taking a breath. Aden still had a death grip on my tooth paste.

"Here. She is on her way to my place..." He uses his free hand to take out his wallet. It took me a while to figure out what he was doing but he finally got his debit card out of the slit.

"Take my car and go get what you need." He said handing it to me.

"I don't want your money." I stood up, distracting Aden and taking to tube. I definitely had an attitude as I positioned myself in the mirror and raked the comb through my hair.

"Amari..." He entered the bathroom and stood directly behind me. I looked at him through the mirror.

"Yes Eric?" I placed the comb on the counter.

"I have to talk to her if she is here. I don't need her causing a scene at my building either." I thought about the times in the future that he may have to deal with X.

"Do what you have to do." I turned to face him. He looked down at me cause it me to turn away.

"I have to get some shoes on him Eric if I'm ever going to get to the store." I said slipping away to the bedroom. He follows me to Aden's room allowing me to put an actual outfit in him.

"It's the silent treatment for me."Eric changed his diaper while I handed him a white shirt, his white forces, and a black shorts so he could match me.

"Look I don't want to get disrespectful or stress you out so I'm going to let it go until something else happens." I was very monotone.

"You never know... You and my baby's daddy my get in to it. This is shit that we signed up for don't you think?" I ask trying to let him know that I'm not mad, just annoyed.

"The difference between you and I is as a man I'm going to disrespect his ass from the gate."

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