Chapter 109

401 21 1

Editor: Sahloknir

Shi Qing: "..."

He couldn't do anything but lay there for a second.

He had to roll over again before he was sure Tan Mingjin had really used clips to secure his clothes.

Then he was silent again.

The System just heard Shi Qing call for it. It curiously popped out: [Host, what did we do?]

Shi Qing was silent for a few seconds. [Nothing, continue playing by yourself.]

The System, who was still a bit simpleminded after all this time, obediently went on its way.

But it was curious about something. Why did Host sound like he was gritting his teeth just now?

Tan Mingjin knew nothing about that exchange. He was worried that the clips would bother Shi Qing now that the youth turned over. After a moment of hesitation, he cautiously reached out for Shi Qing's shoulder. Before he could ascertain whether the clip was bothering Shi Qing, the originally sleeping youth slowly opened his eyes.

Shi Qing's eyes were very beautiful. Genuine peach blossom eyes peeked out under long eyelashes. They usually gave off an unruly feeling, but his eyes now seemed a bit seductive since they were clouded by sleep.

And now, these seductive eyes were looking at Tan Mingjin with a bit of confusion.

For some reason, the man who had just calmed his mind felt his heart race again.

Even the air seemed to heat up.

Neither of them said anything until Shi Qing seemed to wake up more. He blinked his pretty eyes and called out to Tan Mingjin.


The youth's voice was usually very crisp, but perhaps because he had just woken up, his words were somewhat husky and gentle.

Tan Mingjin almost immediately recalled a novel that was popular amongst his classmates in elementary school. One of the characters in it was a pixie whose voice always had a seductive quality to it.

The man's memory had always been exceptional. He could still recall several passages from the book about that pixie, which described Shi Qing to a 'T'.

He was still in a daze when the youth woke up completely. Shi Qing sat up and looked down disgruntledly at the clips on his shoulder. He immediately threw a tantrum. "What is this!? Who did this to me?!"

Somehow, Tan Mingjin found the complaint somewhat endearing.

His heart seemed to beat even faster.

The man subconsciously hid his emotions and coughed dryly. He used cold words to disguise the guilt that welled up inside. "I did it. I've told you before to not wear the kind of clothing that shows your shoulders. Boys like you need to be more proper."

He knew that his words would not go over well the moment he said them. Shi Qing has always hated being criticized. Every time they had a disagreement due to this, it always culminated in a big argument.

"So what if I'm a boy!? Are boys not allowed to dress like this? Why am I the only one that can't when everyone else can? My clothes aren't even the kind with holes in them yet!"

As expected, Young Master Shi, who hadn't slept enough, exploded again. He obviously believed that Tan Mingjin was picking a fight.

Little Shi Qing also woke up with him and retook his place on his larger counterpart's shoulder. His face was just as angry.

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now