Chapter 121.1

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Editor: Sahloknir

When Jiang Bieyu was brought before the little master once more, he was having his hands cleaned again. The same four maidservants assisted him. While they wiped, Shi Qing's gaze settled on the newly cleaned man whose hair was still wet. He was dressed in the robes of a servant.

Shi Qing couldn't help but frown. He asked, "Why give him these clothes?"

The maidservant who brought Jiang Bieyu in was startled. She hurried to curtsy and replied, "Young master, didn't you say that you wanted to keep him in the manor? That's why we found a set of servant clothes for him."

They had assumed that Shi Qing meant to keep him as a servant after he said Jiang Liye gave Jiang Bieyu to him. He had also told the man to sign an indenturement contract, so their confusion was not unfounded.

"No, no." The little master continued to lazily recline on his bed, letting the final maidservant apply hand cream to his hands. He looked at the dull and plain clothes on Jiang Bieyu's body with dissatisfaction.

"How can a person born with features like his possibly wear clothing like that?"

Shi Qing inclined his chin. "Bring ink and paper over."

His words were unmistakably a demand. The maidservant in charge of stationery immediately placed them on the table and started grinding ink herself.

The little master got down from his bed and placed his bare feet on the carpet. Soon after, many of the maidservants attempted to softly dissuade him.

"Qing-er, what are you doing? Why don't you put on some socks first? You just recovered from your sickness not long ago..."

"Quickly put on this cloak. The window was opened not long ago and you might catch a chill..."

"Qing-er, slow down..."

The overlapping voices of the maidservants made the atmosphere of the room heat up.

But the bustle did not involve Jiang Bieyu. He silently watched as the little master stalked towards him angrily, still barefoot, with several maidservants chasing after him.

When Shi Qing reached him, he casually took Jiang Bieyu's wrist and pulled him to the table.

Shi Qing had never lifted anything heavy in his life. Thus, it was no surprise that he had little strength in his arms. Luckily, Jiang Bieyu chose to cooperate.

When the maidservant grinding ink saw Jiang Bieyu come over as well, her dainty face immediately paled a few shades. She tensed as she took in this fierce-looking man who seemed even taller after getting up. Fear filled her eyes.

"Qing, Qing-er..."

Naturally, Shi Qing also noticed the apprehension in the maidservant's expression. He seemed pleased with himself for 'not fearing what everyone else did' as he rudely teased her.

"You women are all so cowardly. He's one of my people now, so what is there to be afraid of?"

"Whatever. Scootch over and let Jiang Bieyu grind ink for me."


The maidservant grasped at his words like they were life saving straws. She curtsied respectfully before retreating.

The little master sat down first. He glanced at the paper on the table and brushed it with a pleased expression.

Then he noticed that Jiang Bieyu hadn't moved.

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