Chapter 167

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Editor: Sahloknir

The Xianzhang sitting on the bed was vaguely uncomfortable when Shi Qing looked over in surprise, but soon his icy demeanour hid all traces of his discomfort.

His face was as expressionless as before once more.

It was as if he hadn’t said anything to begin with.

“Xianzhang, are you serious?”

Shi Qing wasn’t wildly ecstatic like he had thought. On the contrary, his usual smile was on his face as he leaned over. Hot breath spilled onto Gu Qiushu’s neck. Shi Qing watched as the white-robed Xianzhang uneasily shifted ever so slightly. So slight that you would miss it if you weren’t paying attention.

“Are you really willing to remain sick for my sake?”

He said it so warmly that Gu Qiushu’s ears turned pink. He coldly replied, “This is an old injury of mine. How is it for your sake?”

“But I can cure you, ah! You just need to say yes and your meridians can be healed. Then you won’t need to feel this pain for the rest of your life.”

Shi Qing laid the situation out clearly without any attempt at deception. “But if you insist on slowly recuperating like this to prolong my life, what will happen to you if something happens to me?”

Gu Qiushu’s face didn’t change. “What do you mean by that?”

“There’s a lot of things that can happen, you know?”

Shi Qing casually leaned against his shoulder. He felt the other person stiffen, but they didn’t lean away. He counted off some examples on his fingers.

“Look, what if I’m in a bad mood one day and I don’t want to treat you anymore? Or what if I get into an accident and die? What will you do then?”

“I’m saying you really should just drink this bowl of medicine. It’s not like we’re close or anything. You don’t need to deprive yourself of a cure for my sake. When you’re sick, you should take medicine, ah.”

Shi Qing’s words made a lot of sense. Unfortunately, Gu Qiushu didn’t listen to a single word he said.

“If things really are as you say, you could’ve imprisoned me here and treated me once every three days to prolong your life. Why tell me about this then?”

“I’m too lazy to lie.”

Shi Qing was still leaning against his shoulder. He still found the time to giggle when discussing such serious matters. “Xianzhang, your appearance is so deceptive. I thought you looked like a weak scholar, but your shoulders are so sturdy, ah. Do you know the saying ‘deceptively slender’? Based on my previous visual assessments of you, that phrase fits you like a glove.”

Gu Qiushu didn’t really understand what he was saying, but he got that Shi Qing was talking about his physique. His already red ears flushed even darker.

He closed his eyes like he didn’t want to hear anymore, coldly saying, “Then it’s settled. You’ll come treat me once every three days.”

“Are you sure? I mean we’re practically strangers.”

Shi Qing seemed adamant to reject Gu Qiushu’s good intentions. “Besides, we’re both men here. It isn’t appropriate for me to come bother you every three days. What if you take a wife later on? You sure they won’t mind?”

Gu Qiushu didn’t even move. He just replied shortly, “I am wholeheartedly dedicated to cultivation. I won’t be taking a wife.”

“But I will, ah.”

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now