Chapter 115.1

401 18 1

Editor: Sahloknir

Shi Qing likes me.

The person that Shi Qing me.

These were the only two thoughts left in Tan Mingjin's mind.

They flashed back and forth again and again in an almost obsessive manner.

But they made him so very happy.

As soon as he recalled that the person Shi Qing liked was Tan Mingjin, the man could not stop smiling.


That's right.

That's the way it should be.

Sixteen years apart in age, with wealth that no one in this city could match.

The person who treated him well, patted him on the head, sent over food that he liked, and video chatted with him everyday.

When he reviewed Shi Qing's statements that day without the assumption that the person he liked must be a woman, everything pointed to that person being him, Tan Mingjin.

Shi Qing acted like he disliked him, but the little Shi Qing that represented his inner thoughts always regarded the man with affection and admiration, always clamouring for a hug.

Shi Qing clearly did not like Cheng Yunling at all, but he forced himself to act like he was courting her.

The reason he did this was because Tan Mingjin had once shown a hint of care and good will to Cheng Yunling.

This child must've been jealous.

As soon as he reconciled Shi Qing's fierce, yet aggrieved demeanour with jealousy, Tan Mingjin could not help but chuckle quietly.

The little details that he didn't take seriously before all started to make sense.

Why did Shi Qing never take the initiative to approach him when he clearly liked being close?

Why did Shi Qing call him three times a day after he and Cheng Yunling had become 'close'?

Why did this child react so strongly when Tan Mingjin wanted to go on a blind date?

The answer to all of these questions had come to light.

The more he thought about it, the clearer the situation became. All of the blood in the man's body seemed to boil, along with his thoughts.

I like Shi Qing, and Shi Qing also likes me.

Is there anything in the world that could make a person feel happier?

The carefully driving driver looked up in the mirror at President Tan, who had a gentle smile on his face. The slight curl of his boss' lips made him shudder.

He had worked for President Tan for so long and saw many times where the man's face was as cold as frost, but this was the driver's first time seeing him like this.

He would smile, and then laugh while shaking his head.

Was this still President Tan?

Could it be...did he come into contact with supernatural forces??

The superstitious driver shivered again. He continued to drive while filled with trepidation.

Tan Mingjin was basically operating on autopilot now.

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