Chapter 128.1

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Thank you Meg for the Ko-fi!

Editor: Casey

Shi Qing's temper was already short and bratty when with his peers, but he acted the same way in front of his elders too.

"The other young masters either didn't hear clearly or didn't know what was going on. Dad, father-in-law, and Daren, why don't you send people to investigate where we were just now? I refused my brother-in-law's invitation to go ice skating there, but he dragged me along anyway. Many people saw that happen, so how could it have been my idea?"

He continued to push all the blame onto Jiang Liye with particular righteousness. "I said this was a bad idea but my brother-in-law insisted. Now, after something happened, he's trying to blame me. I've never seen such a cold brother-in-law like him. I can deal with him not treating me like a blood-related little brother, but asking me to take responsibility for his mistake is too much."

Shi Qing's good looks made it obvious he was a spoiled and naive little master. The undertone of pouty grievance in his voice didn't make people think he was tattling.

Instead, it gave them the impression that Jiang Liye had gone too far.

After all, Shi Qing must be very confident about what happened based on what he was saying.

He was the younger brother-in-law. But before he could even open his mouth to complain about Jiang Liye dragging him to the moat, that guy accused his innocent brother-in-law of his own crime.

The way the elders looked at Jiang Liye became less kind.

Although Father Shi was also an elder, he was only a father-in-law. He couldn't be too heavy-handed since Jiang Liye's actual father was present. Thus, he could only frown and sip at his tea, saying with a neutral tone:

"It seems that Liye is worried about Brother Jiang punishing him."

The implication was that Jiang Liye had put all the blame on his son to avoid punishment.

Father Shi knew his son's temperament like the back of his hand. That kid wouldn't be so confident if he didn't have proof.

Of course he protected his own in front of outsiders.

Father Jiang looked at his son. His expression was even more twisted than Father Shi's.

Jiang Liye cursed on the inside as soon as he noticed how his father was looking at him. He quickly tried to defend himself:

"Dad, don't believe Shi Qing's lies! It was obviously him who..."

"Shut up!"

Father Jiang slammed his teacup on the table, his face green and blue. He sternly glared at his eldest son.

"It seems Father has been too lenient with you in the past since you no longer know the meaning of respect or taking responsibility for your mistakes. You even tried to avoid punishment from your elders by blaming Shi Qing! Is this how I taught you to behave?!"

His chastisement only stoked the flames of rage burning in Jiang Liye's heart.

What lenient teachings? Wasn't he always taught by a teacher since he was a child?

The only thing that Father Jiang cared about was drinking and playing his days away in one of his concubine's courtyards. When had he ever taught his son anything??

Jiang Liye was very much aware that his father only had face in front of his grandfather because of him, the eldest son.

Jiang Liye didn't have much respect for his father, so he didn't admit his mistake after being scolded by him. He just sulked there in silence.

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