Chapter 153

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Editor: Sahloknir

When Shi Qing arrived, Song Xiabing was looking down from above at the people coming to receive food.

They were all people from the orphanage.

Those running orphanages even in the apocalypse were definitely 100% good-hearted people. After all, it was hard even for adults to survive now, nevermind taking care of those children.

There were many orphans right now. The majority had lost both parents, but a minority were abandoned by their parents and either found their way to the orphanage or were sent there by good samaritans.

Although everyone knows that these orphans were the future hope of mankind, not everyone had the luxury to care when they couldn't even fill their own stomachs.

There was even a time in the past where people resorted to cannibalism. A notable number of victims were orphans like these.

That trend only stopped when the major bases joined hands and executed every cannibal they found for a period of time.

But even so, the orphans' lives were still fraught with hardship.

Some were already out searching for work at the tender age of seven or eight. However, many were too young to work at the time when they needed food most.

And now, Song Xiabing has donated all this food in Shi Qing's name.

Of course, he didn't just do this purely to spite the man. This could be seen by how he didn't just throw Shi Qing's food out. Instead, he donated the twenty percent that belonged to him.

Although he was always angry with how Shi Qing put himself first, Song Xiabing was well aware of what would happen if he had really given out all of the grain.

Shi Qing wouldn't just get angry, he would fight Song Xiabing to the death.

But Shi Qing couldn't beat him, and he couldn't bear to beat Shi Qing. What if he ended up driving the man to suicide?

Song Xiabing had barely managed to placate Shi Qing into a stalemate before.

So although he was angry, he had to be even-handed when venting his frustrations. Besides, giving out twenty percent was more than enough.

The people from the orphanage were so grateful they didn't know what to say. Along with the kids, they kowtowed repeatedly towards him.

Song Xiabing didn't like to see this. He asked them to get up before seating himself comfortably in Shi Qing's tigerskin-carpet draped chair, watching them carry the grain away.

"Song Xiabing!!!"

From a distance, the angry roar of the Blazing Thunder boss could be heard.

Song Xiabing already expected his anger. He shouted down to the masses, "Everyone, you don't need to thank me! I was just following orders. The person who told me to donate all this food to the children is our Blazing Thunder's boss, Shi Qing! If you want to thank someone, go thank him!!"

The orphanage and the children at the bottom instantly bombarded Shi Qng with a chorus of gratitude.

"Thank you so much. You saved our lives."

"There aren't many people nowadays who would donate life-saving supplies like this. Mr. Shi Qing, you really are a very, very good person, ah."

The man stormed over in a rage, but all these people thanking him made him take pause. For a moment, he didn't know whether he should continue being angry or not.

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