Chapter 165

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Editor: Sahloknir

Gu Qiushu said he wanted to go to the bathroom, so Shi Qing couldn’t exactly refuse to let him out.

But he did exclaim regretfully as he sat back, “How unfortunate. Only an hour more and Xianzhang would’ve been set for the next few days. Now all my work earlier went to waste. I’m going to have to start all over again when you get back.”

Gu Qiushu’s brows furrowed more and more.

Shi Qing was basically saying that he cut the acupuncture session short by an hour for no reason. He actually made things worse, because they would need to start all over again when he got back.

Anger inexplicably surged in his heart.

How can this person, the veritable head of a sect, be so unaware of his own limitations?

How could a mortal possibly withstand such exertions?

He didn’t know where the anger he was feeling came from, but the emotion bled through his tone. “Since it’s that troublesome, you needn’t bother with it. I’ve grown used to this pain already.”

But Shi Qing didn’t give a damn about his patient’s wishes. He muttered to himself, “Who cares if you’re used to it or not? I’m going to treat you no matter what.”

“Alright, alright. Since you want to go to the washroom then go. I’ll start again when you get back.”

But the white-robed Xianzhang who was supposed to get up didn’t move. He just stared coldly at Shi Qing like he owed him eight million dollars.

Usually, anyone else he stared at like this would break out in a cold sweat as all the hairs on their body stood on end. They would start guiltily thinking about if they had done something wrong.

But since it was Shi Qing…

The colder Gu Qiushu’s expression was, the more unrestrained his smile became and the more his eyes gleamed with interest. “I thought Xianzhang needed to use the washroom? Why aren’t you getting up?”


Just one word, but it took on a whole eight different meanings when Shi Qing said it.

The Steel Bones Sect Master had a wicked smirk on his face. He smugly reached over to remove those silver needles. “I almost forgot. The needles need to be taken out.”

His hand only brushed against one needle when the previously silent Gu Qiushu suddenly intercepted him. Shi Qing’s eyes were still tinged with humour when their gazes met.

Gu Qiushu pursed his lips with a frosty expression. He looked down. “Continue administering acupuncture.”

“Huh? Didn’t Xianzhang say that you needed to use the washroom?”

“I suddenly don’t need to anymore.” Gu Qiushu replied dismissively.

Only when Shi Qing shrugged and started reluctantly resuming treatment did he look at him again.

He looked at the tiny beads of sweat that formed as time passed.

He also watched as Shi Qing’s smile faded into a frown. Those clear, pretty eyes gradually began to glaze over.

But despite this, those slender, fair and well maintained hands never faltered as they applied needles to his body.

At this moment, Gu Qiushu truly believed that Shi Qing only intended to heal the sick and save lives.

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