Chapter 122.2

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Editor: Casey

The little master didn't plan on waiting any longer. He tried to pull the man over by the wrist.

Despite him exerting all his strength until a light blush dusted his cheeks, the man remained where he was.

Luckily, Jiang Bieyu recovered quickly. He climbed on the bed of his own volition before Shi Qing got mad.

The maidens were both curious and worried. They wanted to ask, but they didn't dare to.

The little master graciously answered their unspoken question. "I think my kitty likes him, so I brought him over to coax it. All of you should wait in the outer room."


"Qing-er, why don't you let us stay here? That way, you can call us over quicker if something were to go wrong."

Of course the maidens wanted to leave. There was a warm brazier in the outer room where they could rest. But the presence of an unknown element, a.k.a Jiang Bieyu, prevented them from leaving. This man wasn't raised under their Shi family's rules and regulations, and his appearance was also quite fierce. What if something were to happen?

But Shi Qing didn't even give a thought to their worries. He waved his hand impatiently.

"I told all of you to leave. The outer room and the inner room aren't far from each other anyway. You'll be able to hear me if I call for you."

He had a point.

The maidens put their worries aside and curtsied before retreating to the outer room.

Shi Qing only looked pleased after he watched them all leave. He reached out and lowered the bed curtains.

The light and thin bed curtains were a specialty product of Jiangnan that could keep out the wind. After being lowered, the area enclosed within immediately grew dim.

Thankfully, there was still enough light to see what was going on.

At least, that was the case for Jiang Bieyu.

Shi Qing peered outside several times like a thief with a guilty conscience before he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around with his usual headstrong attitude.

Pointing a slender and beautiful finger at the man, he whispered.

"Give your cloud layer cake to me."

Jiang Bieyu glanced at the pastry in his hand that already had a bite taken out of it. He quietly said with his hoarse voice, "I've already bitten into it."

"I know. What are you dilly-dallying for if even a young master has no problems with it?"

The little master might be grumbling and complaining, but his soft Jiangnan accent and quiet volume made the words sound coquettish instead.

Soft and coquettish...

And he was quite mischievous as well.

When he noticed that Jiang Bieyu wasn't budging, Shi Qing reached over himself. Unfortunately, he pulled the blanket over with him.

As a result, the Persian cat that was shivering beneath after sensing Jiang Bieyu's presence was exposed. It panicked.

Luckily, it saw that the hand of its master was nearby. It hurried over to act cute by licking that jade-like finger before diving into Shi Qing's arms.

The little master subconsciously hugged the cat with one arm while stroking it with the other.

The atmosphere stiffened as time went on.

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