Chapter 145.1

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Thank you Smh136 and an anonymous reader for the Ko-fis!

Editor: Sahloknir

The doctor soon arrived.

The tall man sat on the side with a nervous look on his face, watching the doctor use his healing powers to examine Song Xiabing's body.

When the doctor withdrew his hand, he asked, "How is he Doc? He's not going to die, is he?"

The doctor seemed rather confused. "He doesn't have any wounds on his body..."

Song Xiabing sat up with a pained expression. "But I'm in a lot of pain. I have this constant urge to cough and my head hurts too. Why don't you examine me for internal injuries?"

The doctor: "...I'm only a level four healer. Internal injuries require a level seven, and there aren't any at this base, ah."

Shi Qing was furious. "Then Laozi will give you all the crystal nuclei you need. Level up already."

The doctor: "..."

"Boss, I won't reach level seven even if I absorb a thousand crystal nuclei. I just don't have that much potential."

Song Xiabing weakly coughed a few times.

"Cough, cough, cough. Forget it Boss. I've been quite sickly all my life. The shock of what happened just now as well as the few days I spent in the water prison must've caught up with me..."

The doctor was afraid that Shi Qing would actually force him to level up. He quickly agreed with Song Xiabing being sickly even though his results indicated no such thing. "Yes, yes, yes. Boss, he's been like this all his life. We healers can only treat internal and external injuries. I've never heard of anyone who could improve the condition of someone's body."

Shi Qing's expression flashed through a multitude of emotions before settling on a dark grimace. He grimly asked, "Is he going to die?"

The doctor quickly shook his head. "No, no. He's not going to die."

Only then did the man sigh with relief. He patted Song Xiabing on the shoulder. "That's good."

Although a faint smile appeared on Song Xiabing's face, the look in his eyes was complicated.

He didn't understand.

Shi Qing was clearly a homophobe who hated him to the bone before.

Why was he being so nice to him now?

The doctor left.

The man sat by his bedside. He immediately took the blanket and covered Song Xiabing up.

Song Xiabing was caught off guard by the blanket that suddenly covered him from head to toe. He uncovered his head and directed a lost look at Shi Qing blankly

"Boss, what's this for?"

"Sleeping, of course."

Shi Qing fished out another cigarette from who knew where. He put it in his mouth with an impatient expression before throwing the blanket back over Song Xiabing's face.

So Song Xiabing could only listen to his mumblings from within the blanket. "Aren't you sickly and dizzy? You should get a good night's sleep and recuperate."

In the darkness, Song Xiabing clenched his fists slightly.

He didn't understand.


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