Chapter 143

209 15 3

Editor: Sahloknir

Shi Qing took Song Xiabing straight to his room.

Of course, as the captain of the Blazing Thunder Company and a level seven ability user, his room was as luxurious as could be.

And his tastes were, well, very unique.

There was a picture of a soaring eagle from who knew where on the wall, and the floor was covered with a huge, single piece of tiger skin carpet.

Yes, just one piece.

Mutated animals generally became bigger. Following this logic, tigers, who were already pretty big to begin with, were now a terrifying size. Those who had special abilities were even more enormous.

The original host procured this skin after taking down a mutated beast with powers. He had it tanned and made into a carpet to serve as a trophy of sorts.

The original host was a lowly gangster who dropped out of school early on. He never made much of a name for himself, so he never had a chance to develop a sense of aesthetics. This was why there was also a leopard print blanket on the bed.

The chairs in the room were also cushioned with tiger skins.

As you could probably imagine, this room looked rather strange.

At least it was to Song Xiabing. He had never been here before. When he pushed the door in, he felt like he was at some grassland tribe instead of a post-apocalyptic world.

Even if he grew up neglected in the Song family, at least he had money to spend after growing up a bit. His sense of aesthetics was definitely online.

Now, Song Xiabing worried he might go blind from looking at the eye-watering decor here.

Yet the man who was strutting in front of him didn't think there was anything wrong with his decorations. He kicked off his shoes before stepping onto the tiger skin carpet and taking off his jacket. As he walked forwards, he didn't forget to turn and order Song Xiabing, "Take off your shoes. Don't get my carpet dirty."

Song Xiabing obediently took off his shoes and stepped on the tiger skin carpet. Only then did he realize that the fur on this carpet wasn't smooth at all. The individual strands dug into his feet in a very uncomfortable way.

Song Xiabing had suffered a lot of hardship in the past so this was nothing to him.

However, for the sake of the handsome man quickly stripping down to a wife beater and flowery trousers that showed off his nice pecs and beautifully defined biceps, he took a step forward.


As if he couldn't stand the pain, Song Xiabing let out a soft cry and backed off immediately.

"What's wrong?"

As expected, Shi Qing turned to him after hearing his voice. He noticed that Song Xiabing's expression was taut with pain as he looked down at his pale and tender foot. The man raised an eyebrow and became even more impatient.

"Why are you such a pain in the ass? You're as spoiled as a woman."

Song Xiabing bowed his head to make himself appear pitiful. He carefully said, "Sorry Boss, I didn't mean to-I, I won't disturb you again..."

Then he stepped forward with a determined frown on his pretty face, carefully placing his foot down on the carpet like it was a minefield.

He took one step. Then another.

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 2 COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz