Chapter 114.1

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Editor: Sahloknir

"Just kill me already." Shi Qing deadpanned.

Tan Mingjin was already angry, but the young master's fury surpassed even his. The youth who had just been begging in a soft voice also got up.

There seemed to be flames blazing inside his beautiful eyes.

If he had fur, it would be all puffed out by now.

"How can you be like this! How could you reject my innermost feelings?! Even if you didn't want them, did you have to refuse this way?!!"

The little Shi Qing on his shoulder was babbling along with him, looking like steam would come out of his ears any second now.

Tan Mingjin was baffled by his accusations, but he soon remembered how his good, sweet, obedient and sensible Shi Qing was rebelling against him for a female scam artist more than ten years his senior.

The man's gaze grew more and more heated.

Like a tyrant, he coldly said, "In any case, I won't allow it. If you're bent on having things your way, then..."

The tyrant was stuck at this point.

If Shi Qing was bent on having his own way, what could I do?

Tan Mingjin was once very good at threatening and intimidating Shi Qing. Whenever Shi Qing made a scene, he used to rein him in by threatening to cut him off.

For Shi Qing, who was a big spender that liked to show off to his friends, this was a super effective threat.

But if he did that now, this heartless little brat would definitely run to mooch off that woman.

He might even get taken advantage of in some way.

An image of Shi Qing selling himself for money immediately popped up in Tan Mingjin's mind.

No way!

He couldn't let that happen!

But what else could he do then?

Drive Shi Qing out of the Tan family?

He couldn't. What if others found out about it and bullied Shi Qing?

And if he kicked out Shi Qing, wouldn't he be letting that woman easily replace him as Shi Qing's caretaker?

The tyrant was unable to think of a way to punish him off the top of his head. After a few seconds of pause, he continued, "I will make you regret it."

"Why can't I have feelings for someone? Uncle, don't you always buy me everything I want? Don't you like me? I clearly felt that you did, so why won't you say yes?!"

Tan Mingjin almost scoffed at Shi Qing's brazen demand for his acceptance. How could he willingly give up the child he had raised to someone else?

Yes, he liked Shi Qing.

It was because he liked him that Tan Mingjin would not put up with this.

Upon confirming his intentions, the man resolutely affirmed, "I can give you anything else, but this matter is not up for discussion."

He could clearly see that tears were already welling up in the eyes of the youth in front of him. The tip of Shi Qing's pretty little nose was red as he stared at Tan Mingjin with an aggrieved and stubborn look.

Little Shi Qing was in a similar mood. He was sobbing and wiping tears from the shoulder he was sitting on, his fair and lovely little face riddled with aggression.

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now