Chapter 176

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Editor: Casey

There was no way to tell time in-game, and Shi Qing didn’t know how long he stayed with Gong Yu in the game either.

However, he knew when his illness worsened.

He had been weak and sickly even as a child. There were many hospital visits, but he had only been severely ill twice in his life.

The first was when he was shot.

His illness had relapsed after he was resuscitated, and he barely managed to survive.

The second was when he met the System.

By then, he had already become the chairman of the Shi family. His parents were gone, and he had sent the only relative he had left to prison.

Without any other hobbies or close family and friends in particular, Shi Qing spent his time playing virtual reality games. Not religiously, mind you. Just when he had the time to spare.

At the end of the day, he was left to mourn all alone.

He got his revenge already, so Shi Qing couldn’t think of any reason to keep living in this world.

So when his condition suddenly worsened, his heart was actually at peace.

Everyone around him had always assumed he wouldn’t live long since he was born anyway. They all treated him like a delicate piece of jade before he turned eighteen. His parents sheltered him from everything, cherishing him as if he was a little prince in an ivory tower.

But after the age of eighteen, his ivory tower collapsed.

He became an orphan with only himself to rely on.

He was forced to grow up overnight, his original unrestrained recklessness worn away by experience. No one knew of the hardships he went through, nor did they know that he always dreamt of becoming a child again at night.

He dreamt of his kind mom, his strict yet doting dad, and his grandpa who loved him dearly. Even his uncle, who hadn’t revealed his true colours yet, was present.

He had lost it all.

By the time the System came, Shi Qing had little interest in living anymore.

He only teased the System a bit since the strange little thing seemed fun to toy with.

Shi Qing was a genius entrepreneur and a decisive boss at his company as well. Everyone treated him like the boogeyman.

Everyone said that Shi Qing of the Shi family was a ruthless character.

‘This person,’ they said, ‘could accomplish anything he put his mind to.’

To them, his mind held unfathomable depths that enabled him to lead countless old foxes many times his age to their demise.

Yet Shi Qing, who was so powerful according to them, could only lie on the operating table and watch the doctor cut into his body.

He couldn’t do anything.

He didn’t want to do anything either.

He had once been naive, and he had once been powerful. He once trusted someone wicked, and he had once got revenge on said someone.

On the outside, everyone saw him as a vengeful, venomous snake.

But in the operating room, he was a lamb led to slaughter all the same. His life was in the hands of the doctors, and every breath could be his last.

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