Chapter 163

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Editor: Sahloknir

Gu Qiushu was trying to force open his acupoints when Shi Qing suddenly touched his cheeks like that. His eyes snapped open as he glared at the person in front of him.

Thank goodness the spiritual energy in his body was being suppressed. Otherwise, Gu Qiushu would’ve spat out blood after being angered like this while forcing open his acupoints. But even though that didn’t happen, his expression still didn’t look too good. In fact, he seemed like he wanted to run Shi Qing through with his sword.

Shi Qing touched his hard-looking but actually tender cheeks with a smile. “Do you not like me touching you? Just tell me and I promise I’ll stop.”

But before Gu Qiushu could respond, he heard him add, “But if you don’t let me touch you, I’m going to touch those little disciples of your Sect, ah. The one just now was simply adorable. He sobbed and sobbed when he was dragged out and even said he would rather die. Do you know his name?”

The white-robed Xianzhang’s expression immediately cooled. “What did you do to him?”

“What did I do to him? Nothing.”

Gu Qiushu had already lost his patience with this always smiling Steel Bones Sect Master who wanted to be seen as kind even as he behaved utterly shamelessly.

He had been a senior member of the Heavenly Derivation Sect even as a child. His shixiong, the Sect Master, had no time to look after him, and his juniors, the disciples, were too intimidated to approach him.

No matter. He was used to being alone by now.

But then this shameless, thick-faced guy appeared and insisted on sticking to him like glue. Gu Qiushu was uncomfortable and irritated, but he couldn’t manage to act as cold and distant as he usually did.

“Death or dismemberment. Your choice.”

Shi Qing snickered and came in for a sniff. He raised an eyebrow. “Xianzhang, are you mad? Why can’t you believe that I don’t have any bad intentions? If I really wanted to do something to you all, I could’ve just killed you. Why would I go through all this trouble?”

“Besides, you possess such immortal bearing. I can’t bear to kill you. In fact, I want us to get to know each other better.”

Shi Qing took advantage of Gu Qiushu’s immobility. Like he was teasing a kitten, his long, well maintained and delicate fingers slid around the man’s cheeks.

His fingertips were tender, soft and smooth. While fuming, a thought came to Gu Qiushu’s mind.

Why can’t Shi Qing just touch his own hand? Why torment me?

He wanted to close his eyes and calm down, but that tender, smooth hand refused to let him off that easily. It cheekily stroked his face again and again. The furrow between Gu Qiushu’s eyebrows was growing tighter.

Finally, he reached his breaking point. “What in the world do you want!?”

“I just wanted to chat with you. Why be so mean to me?”

Shi Qing seemed quite aggrieved. His hand poked the man’s lips repeatedly. Only when the white-robed Xianzhang’s earlobes reddened again did he stop with a pleased expression. He laid down beside Gu Qiushu and regarded his ethereal side profile.

“Hey, can’t you pay a little more attention to me? It’s so lonely talking to myself.”

Gu Qiushu aloofly replied with shut eyes. “That’s your problem.”

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