Chapter 111.1

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Editor: Sahloknir

"Tsk, what's there to be happy about?"

The young man crossed his arms coldly and disdainfully. The words 'I don't care' were practically written all over his body.

Tan Mingjin smiled softly as he looked at little Shi Qing, who was on his larger counterpart's shoulder and trying to pole dance on an imaginary pole. He wanted to chuckle.

This child, how could he be so awkward sometimes?

Because his heart had softened, the man ruffled Shi Qing's hair again.

"What are you doing?! I'm not a child! Stop always touching my head, it's annoying."

No matter how you looked at him, Shi Qing seemed like a rebellious teenager. He tried to shake the man's hand off unhappily, but he either used too little force or Tan Mingjin didn't let go, because his long hand remained where it was, brushing against the soft strands of hair.

Even the invisible Zheng Xuexue watching from the side felt that President Tan was definitely going to be angry.

Tan Mingjin was notoriously difficult to deal with. Considering he built his business from the ground up, he was certainly no easy target.

But Young Master Shi actually dared to treat him with such an attitude...

Zheng Xuexue feared she was about to witness domestic violence.

And yet...

The smile on Tan Mingjin's lips didn't even dim. His gaze was still soft, and his deep voice was still gentle.

"We haven't seen each other for so long, so Uncle wants to get close to you."

Shi Qing was not buying it, vividly demonstrating what it meant to be an unfilial son. His voice conveyed his impatience.

"Don't you feel cringey saying those things?"


"Forget it." The young master glanced at Tan Mingjin like he was doing the man a favour. "Since you like it, I'll put up with it for now. But keep track of the time. You owe me a new car every ten seconds."

As he spoke, Tan Mingjin's ears were filled with the sounds of little Shi Qing's jubilant babbling.

"Ya ya ya ya."

His cat-like eyes squinted slightly, and his fair little face was full of contented joy. As he babbled on, the little guy tried to stand on tiptoe so that his uncle could pet his head better.

When he was comfortable enough, little Shi Qing would even turn around lightly and open his little arms, babbling for a hug.

"It's been twenty seconds now. That's two cars. If you go past thirty you have to double my allowance for a month. Triple if you go past forty."

Tan Mingjin looked like he had been hypnotized. His smile never faded. His thoughts were almost audible, "Yes, yes, yes. Our Shi Qing didn't want me to touch his head, but I insisted."

"Okay, I'll increase your allowance."

The two of them weren't exactly keeping their voices down. More than a few people saw what was happening.

The bystanders: "&#k2026;"

The world of rich people really was perplexing.

Having satisfied both Shi Qing and little Shi Qing, the man petted the youth's hair one last time before asking, "Do you want to go eat?"

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