Chapter 125.1

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Editor: Sahloknir

Jiang Bieyu's entire body was as stiff as a rock right now. He swallowed dryly after Shi Qing patted him a few more times.

Has this Shi family little master never seen tall servants before? How could he dare to take me outside on my first day, when I haven't even signed the indenturement contract yet?

And he even dared to-

The man remained motionless throughout. His light coloured eyes were always on Shi Qing's body.

The little master was rather thick skinned. Despite obviously kissing Jiang Bieyu just moments ago, his expression was indifferent as he barked out orders.

"When we encounter Jiang Liye and the others, you have to be a good boytoy and behave like that and if I want to kiss or move you, got it?"

Thanks to Shi Qing wanting to sneak out, there was no one in their vicinity except each other.

When you take into account how delicate and pampered this little master was, how pitiful his strength was, how Jiang Bieyu sitting on his legs for less than a second had him whimpering in pain...

The man could easily knock him out and follow the little master's planned route to escape.

After all, his aunt had already died. There was no one he cared about left in Crane City. Since he hadn't signed an indenturement contract yet, the man could definitely seek opportunities elsewhere.

But despite the path in front of him being clear, Jiang Bieyu stood just as still as before. His eyes were completely filled with the image of the little master smiling with a pleased expression.

"It isn't time yet." He told himself quietly.

There was no point in leaving in disgrace when his situation wasn't dire.

He was still injured at the moment, and he could at least be fed at the Shi family. If he left, he would have to compete against others to fulfill basic needs.

Naturally, the little master didn't know that the man he was touching all over had just dismissed the idea of knocking him unconscious and running away.

He seemed to be very pleased with Jiang Bieyu as a "boytoy".

Even though Jiang Bieyu was taller than him.

Even though Jiang Bieyu's supposedly 'thin' waist was too thick for him to hold with both arms.

Even though Jiang Bieyu was a hard, muscular man. The completely opposite of him, who disliked exercise and had a soft and supple body as a result.

None of that mattered.

Jiang Bieyu was a boytoy as long as he said so.

So when the tall, powerful-looking man in front of him answered in a husky voice, Shi Qing's pretty little face almost immediately beamed with joy.

The little master lifted his chin in triumph. He raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, let's go see that brother of yours."


The one thing Crane City wasn't lacking in was rich people.

Especially after the world descended into chaos. More and more rich people fled to seek shelter in this prosperous place.

The king who had occupied Crane City was also quite easy to talk to.

Want to come to Crane City?

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 2 COMPLETEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu