Chapter 126.2

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Thank you to an anonymous reader for the Ko-fi!

Editor: Sahloknir

Jiang Liye could only watch as Shi Qing was carefully placed on the bed.

Just as he sat down, the little master lecherously touched Jiang Bieyu's cheek with one hand and slightly raised his other to pull down the curtain.

With the curtain down, those outside could no longer see what was going on in there.

But because they couldn't see, their imaginations began to run wild.

When you combine that with what Shi Qing said just now about [having a good time]...

Jiang Liye's face was turning as green as a grassy plain.

He didn't care if Jiang Bieyu was treated like a plaything.

But he cared that Jiang Bieyu, the plaything, resembled him in the eyes of others.

The other young masters looked at each other and decided to pretend they didn't know anything. They came forward to cajole Jiang Liye.

"Liye, don't be so angry. Come, come. Sit down and have a drink."

"Here, have some pastries."

"Look at that musician girl, isn't she pretty?"

As usual, they were smoothing things over by redirecting attention.

It was usually Shi Qing who was defeated and felt the stifling feeling of having no one to help him.

Now that it was Jiang Liye's turn, he realised how unbearable it was.

He glared hatefully at the curtain that obscured the scene inside, before sitting down heavily and pouring himself a cup of wine.

What was Shi Qing so proud of?

In order to oppose Jiang Liye, he went so far as to make Jiang Bieyu his boytoy.

That guy, who didn't have beautiful features or a soft body.

There was nothing to be happy about.


But no matter how hard he tried to convince himself otherwise, he couldn't help but imagine Shi Qing triumphantly touching Jiang Bieyu's face and humiliating him like he was Jiang Liye.


Young Master Jiang forcefully threw the cup away and ate the pastry with a grim face.

Jiang Liye was about to die of anger at the images his mind conjured up.

Yet nothing close to what he was imagining was actually going on inside the curtain.


As the curtain was not soundproof, the little master could only take in a small breath when his pale toes were hurt from Jiang Bieyu's careful massage.

His body trembled with pain as the man's long, slender hands gently kneaded his already reddening toes. He subconsciously shrunk back.

The little master forgot that this wasn't just any place, it was an entertainment establishment. Thus, the furniture designs here were quite user-friendly.

For example, the bed was a little smaller than the one he normally slept on at home.

As Jiang Bieyu massaged the toes that had gotten hurt after kicking down the screen divider, he ended up corralling Shi Qing onto the bed.

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now