Chapter 120.2

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Editor: Casey

It was the first time that Jiang Bieyu had seen a little master like Shi Qing who was attended to like a little ancestor.

The Jiang family came from a military background, and they didn't have as many rules and regulations as the Shi family. Even though they had a similar degree in status, they were not the Shi family's equals when it came to monetary wealth. There was no way they would keep so many servants around.

Those legitimate young masters like Jiang Liye might get a bit more monthly allowance than usual, but concubine-born children like Jiang Bieyu only received a pitiable amount. Even less after some servants took their share.

After all, the Jiang family has many children. What did they care about a mere concubine-born son?

On the other hand, despite being ridiculously rich, the Shi family only has one potential inheritor, Shi Qing.

Everyone in that manor was willing to go to war if even a single hair on their precious little master's head fell off.

Jiang Bieyu continued to act meek on the surface, but he was calmly analyzing the current situation inside.

Shi Qing believed that Jiang Liye pushed him into the water on purpose, and he convinced his parents of this as well.

Jiang Liye won't be able to weasel his way out this time.

The thought made Jiang Bieyu feel better about his predicament.

Although he might face harassment if he stayed with the Shi family, it was already happening in the Jiang family anyway.

He had to gather information first until he found an opportunity to escape. The world was in chaos now. Although it was dangerous, it was also a good chance to make a name for yourself.

As he was thinking this, the little master's now cleaned hands came to pat his face again.

Perhaps because of the recently applied hand cream to them, the previously faint fragrance became even more fragrant. With Shi Qing's movements, a light osmanthus scent enveloped Jiang Bieyu's cheeks.

He raised his head, looking at the little master in front of him with his light-coloured eyes.

Jiang Bieyu's eyes were very light in colour. That might be why his gaze always seemed so cold and dead when he looked at others.

Just as most people didn't like the eyes of a snake, they found Jiang Bieyu's eyes unnerving too. They were not the eyes of a pure-blooded Han Chinese person, making them scary to look at.

His father thought this son of his was a white-eyed wolf since he never smiled during their interactions. He just regarded everyone with cool indifference.

His brothers thought he looked like a wicked, vicious wolf. Since this 'vicious wolf' also happened to be of low status, they enjoyed bullying Jiang Bieyu to experience the satisfaction of 'conquering the big bad wolf'.

But now...

Jiang Bieyu was still that wolf, but this obviously spoiled little master didn't show any fear on his face. He even curiously touched Jiang Bieyu's eyes with his own tender hands.

Jiang Bieyu didn't close his eyes. He kept them open as a pair of incredibly soft hands traced the contours of his eyes.

The maidservants next to Shi Qing were all tense, as if Jiang Bieyu would become a wild brute and injure their little master at any second.

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 2 COMPLETEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt