Chapter 148.1

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TW: Dubcon

Editor: Casey

Shi Qing thought this was all very exciting.

He was carried all the way back to his room by Song Xiabing.

Song Xiabing probably knew that he wanted to save face, so he intentionally avoided others during the journey. He didn't let Shi Qing's little brothers see their boss being completely suppressed by him.

Of course, the man still struggled with all his might during this time.

Alas, he didn't have much strength to muster since his tail was being held. All his efforts to escape served to do was further provoke the already irate Song Xiabing.

His tail received a lot of TLC as a result.

By the time he was thrown onto his leopard print blanket, the tall man was drenched in sweat and his whole body was practically melting.

He literally had no energy left to speak.

But he hadn't given up yet. His body writhed and twisted as he tried to use his ability against Song Xiabing.

However, he was so weak now that even summoning an ember would be a miracle. There was no chance of him besting Song Xiabing.

After placing him on the bed, the young man had been slowly and methodically undressing himself.

Like he was in no hurry at all, he slowly dropped his bloodstained jacket to the floor.

While he did that, Song Xiabing admired the man on the bed. Shi Qing's honey-coloured skin was covered in a layer of sweat. He seemed somewhat out of it, but he continued to try and prop himself up to a sitting position.

Like he was toying with a pet, Song Xiabing waited until the man on the bed had almost gotten up before casually brushing his fingertips over that big, fiery red tail.

Then he watched as the other man's body trembled, and a hazy whimpering sound escaped his lips as he fell back onto the bed.

But within seconds, Shi Qing was struggling to get up again like a little determinator.

So Song Xiabing touched his tail again and watched him go limp once more.

As this sequence of events repeated, the rage burning inside Song Xiabing simmered down into amusement.


As he threw the last piece of clothing to the ground, the youth reached out. His pale fingertip lifted Shi Qing's chin with great precision. He observed how the man still had fire in his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Song Xiabing was in a great mood since his prey could no longer run away. He kindly commented, "Boss, you seem to be really hot, ah. You're sweating so much that you might get heat stroke. Why don't I help you get out of these stifling clothes of yours?"

"Get lost!"

"Get out of here, you gay..wu ah!!!"

The man screamed miserably. He shuddered as he watched Song Xiabing let go of his large tail.

The young man was not angry at his rejection. He good-naturedly proceeded to help Shi Qing 'avoid heat stroke'.

While he was working, he said, "Admit it, you don't hate me at all. If you did, you would've locked me up somewhere and just be done with it. I only need to be alive, after all. My quality of life isn't important."

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