Chapter 10

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I slump my butt on the bed and let out a long sigh.

Suddenly, Jungkook's face flashes into my vision, the feel of his lips enters my mind.

I pinch my eyes close and I shake my head. I feel so guilty that I didn't fight hard to stop the kiss.

I open my eyes back and groan. There is another thing that bothers me the most.

The fucking contract he talked about.

That thing is more than a kiss. And I think he isn't lying about the loan sharks that will sell me to the club.

It's like I either will sleep with him for probably one-two months and nine months pregnant or I have to sleep with random guys for the entire of my life.

To be honest, I don't want to choose any of them. I want to run. I really want to run away from this place and this city. Or I will be just fucking leaving this country too.

If I escape from here, I have to deal with the loan sharks out there. Is it going to be very hard to run from them?

But if I escape, will Jungkook try to find me.

Which one is harder?

Escaping from the loan sharks? Or from Jungkook?

But the loan sharks haven't caught me yet. I will have some time to plan a runaway.

To be honest, I can feel Jungkook's contract is a force. If I choose not to sign the contract, I bet he's going to give me a death threat because I witnessed his kill that night.

"Fuck" I pull the root of my hair and slump my back in the bed, I look up to the ceiling.

Again, it gives me a really lavish vibe. I start to think about where his wealth comes from.

He has a home office room too. Is he doing a business?

What business? Is he a CEO?

If he's CEO, what CEO kills people?

It's so ridiculous when I try to make sense of my guess.

I click my tongue and I roll my eyes.

My eyes widened when I just remembered something. His home office! It can tell me a lot from searching what's in his home office room.

I quickly get up, wearing back the home slippers and I rush down to go to his home office room.

I see his home office room and I slow my pace. I turn my head around to see if there's people around here.

I see it's clear and I quickly run to the door and jiggle the doorknob.

My excitement dies when I can't open it. I jiggle it again. It is totally locked.

Why the fuck it is locked too fast? I bet he keeps a lot of important things inside. This thought brings more frustration and I jiggle the door again.


I am startled, my hand froze.

I turn my head and see that old woman again.

I fake out a smile.

"What are you doing?" asks her.

"Well, I-I lost my earring. I think I lost it inside here. Can you unlock the door?" ask me. She looks like the head housekeeper here, I bet she holds some keys.

"I can't. I don't have the key".

My face goes disappointed. It was my big loss that I wasn't searching for any clues when I was there.

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