Chapter 83

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         I cast my gaze beyond the confines of the car, peering through the transparent barrier that separates me from the world outside. The day is dark now. 

Exhaustion had settled upon me, its weight pressing heavily upon my weary frame

I gently pivot my gaze towards Seol, who rests upon my lap. I see Seol has his fist inside his mouth, and he keeps opening and closing his mouth.

"Babe" Jungkook calls me.

I turn my head to him.

"It's Seol's feeding time. Do you want to breastfeed him or wait until we arrive at the restaurant for warm water? Because I don't think the water in the thermos is still warm," Jungkook says.

I turn my head back to Seol. Seol's lips reverberate with a resounding smack, his gaze shifting towards me, specifically fixating upon my boobs. His mouth is drooling.

"I'll breastfeeding him" I say and think how to slide my breast out of this dress.

Jungkook takes off his jacket and puts it around my front.

He holds my stretchy sleeve. "Just loosen up this a bit," He says, and he pulls my sleeve down, exposing my boob.

I quickly latch on to my baby.

Jungkook is adjusting his jacket for me again.

After he's done doing that, he casts his gaze upon me, briefly, before diverting his attention forward. Yet, his eyes, like a magnet, are drawn back to me once more. He keeps doing it.

I ignore him and look at Seol. He's sucking aggressively because he's hungry.

He must be so tired, poor Seol. But I know it's worth it! He got to see beautiful nature today.

               Jungkook pulls the stroller into the restaurant, and I walk beside him.

"Welcome, Sir Jeon." The restaurant's manager greets Jungkook, then he looks at me.

The restaurant's manager doesn't know who Y/N is. To him, she looks like Jungkook's wife because of the baby in the stroller. But he never hears that Jungkook has married.

"Welcome, Mrs. Jeon." The restaurant's manager greets me too.

"Come in," the restaurant's manager says, bringing us to the reserved table.

Jungkook halts the stroller, its wheels gliding to a gentle stop, as he positions it in front of the table. He settles himself into the seat, his presence commanding attention because of his visual and aura.

I'm still standing.

"Please wait for a moment, I'll get the menus," the restaurant's manager says, and he quickly goes to get the menus.

Jungkook stares at me. "Why aren't you sitting?" he asks.

"Where?" I ask.

He points to the chair beside me with his pouted lips.

"Oh, not on your thigh?" I ask sarcastically and sit on the chair.

His eyes bore into mine, filled with an unmistakable expression of disbelief.

I've been wanting to get back at him about that for so long.

Jungkook giggles, and a cocky smirk flashes on his face. "Do you want to do it even in public, babe?"

"That's the point. You know how indecent it is that you are unable to ask me to do that in public. So next time, if we're having meals in your mansion, don't ask me to sit on your thigh again".

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