Chapter 72

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"Master, the video that the Lady posted about Dadong Gil Laboratory has spread out on the internet with a caption that accuses you," says Jungjae, and he gives his phone to Jungkook.

Jungkook takes the phone and watches the video briefly, then reads the caption.

"Laboratory drug at Dadong Gil, Gwancheon, owned by Bliss CEO, Jeon Jungkook!"

He scoffs and chuckles, knowing this was written by y/n.

She's so cute.

He looks at her username. 'JusticeNFaith'. 

She's so corny.

Isn't it supposed to be faith first, then justice? Like in alphabetical order. She's not smart, like usual.

Then he looks at the views, likes, and comments. 560 000 views, 30 000 likes, and 5 300 comments

It has gained a lot of attention.

He opens the comments.

monarosa: Ehh, Bliss CEO?

Hanju: There's no way...

CuteChick: I don't believe it, but this is not a random video taken from the internet.

Mary: Hmm. Is it trustable? But his wealth at such a young age can be explained by this.

                   Jane: His wealth is because of his dad.

                   Mary: Agreed, but there's no smoke without fire, you know.

"Aish, this Mary bitch is so annoying," Jungkook mutters, then he stops reading the comment and throws the phone onto the table lightly.

He leans into the sofa, and he rubs his hand against his forehead. "Take down that video and make it public that Bliss is going to take legal action against who's spreading the video and sue her for my defamation," says Jungkook.

"Okay, I'll be informing the security team and the lawyer," says Jungjae.

Jungkook clicks his tongue, and he rolls his eyes. "No, you fool. I only said to make it public. Why the fuck do I want to sue that penniless girl? Just fucking scare her out, that's it," says Jungkook.

                     I'm reading the comments while eating snacks.

I'm so happy to scroll through the comments about Jungkook.

Baebae: His wealth is now so suspicious.

Geumsik: Is it true? Where are the police?

I giggle. This is so freaking good.

I close the comments and scroll down. Many accounts repost my video, so I'm looking for the comments under those videos.

My smile flattens, and I stop chewing on snacks right away.

'Bliss is taking legal action for defamation against the malicious rumour made about their CEO.'

I see the link attached to the caption, so I click it to open it.

On May 19, Bliss Group addressed the rumour, stating, "We are pursuing legal action against those who attempt to defame the CEO based on the baseless rumour. The video has nothing to do with us, and we leave the investigation to the police. We are monitoring and watching those who create and spread this rumour. We will not settle and will respond strongly. We're currently preparing to sue the video creator with the username 'JusticeNFaith'"

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