Chapter 36

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         I'm woken by the sound of water running from the bathroom. 

Last night, Jungkook came to the room later than me but he woke up earlier than me. 

And it's always like that. I don't get how the damn someone is doing that almost everyday.

I move my hand and just realize the handcuff is already removed.

It is removed... But I'm not planning to run from him anymore. I will just wait until this child is born and everything is going to be in my favor again.

I get up sitting, stretching lazily before I get my feet on the floor. 

I feel like getting some snacks, so I get out of my room to the kitchen.

On the way, I stop when I see a room with a door wide open. I don't know why but it's like calling me to go inside, an unexplainable attraction.

I walk there and see a lot of books arranged well on every side of the walls.

Does that psychopath love reading? There's no way he's reading this much. These all books must be just a decoration.

Still these all are so mesmerizing. I feel like walking to some kind of library that exists in fantasy movies. But it isn't as big as that.

I run my hand through the books while walking forward.

Suddenly, I hit his study table with my hip and some of the books fell onto my foot. 

I groan. 

Fuck, it's so painful!

Then my stomach growls. Why the fuck am I here? There's no food here. Aish..

I lift the books lazily and suddenly some photos slip off onto the floor. 

My eyes are attracted to those photos. I quickly put back the books onto the table and I bend to take the photos in my hand.

It's a man's photo holding a baby in his arms and he stared so affectionately at the baby. The touch and the smell are just like the old photos. It is, judging from the photo quality and the fashion too. 

But is the baby in this photo is Jungkook? And this man is his father? 

Curious, I take a look at another photo. Now, it is the photo of a woman who's in the hospital bed with the same baby and also the same man standing beside her. Both of them were looking at the baby. Probably their newborn baby because the baby looks so small too. I can say they look like a happy couple. The way they're smiling.

I stare deeply at the woman. She looks so nice and sweet. If she is really Jungkook's mother, I can't believe she's the same person who is fine to say it's okay for Jungkook to have the side chick.


I get startled when I hear Jungkook is calling for me from outside.

And fuck I'm panicked, so I quickly put the photos back into the random pages. And fuck, I want to go through all those photos so much but I couldn't. I don't want to get caught. He's so sensitive when it comes to his privacy. He even blew out so much when I just answered his mother's call. 

I quickly run to the door carefully and I jerk my head outside. I see he's in the kitchen. In the fucking towel too. He must be thinking I'm trying to run away again.

I can just sneak out quietly and pretend to come from the toilet.

I do that and yes according to what I want, he turns at me as I was just coming out from the toilet.

"Did you look for me? I-I was in the toilet. You were using the toilet in the bathroom. So, that's why I... Yeah.. You know..." says me.

He tilts his head slightly. I gulp down my saliva, he got me so nervous.

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