- Jealous -

870 28 23

2nd Person POV


Mark growled and grumbled to himself as he was rudely awoken from his peaceful sleep by the overly angry chef he hired.

He may be loud as fuck and territorial but he was the best cook he could possibly find.

But seriously? Yelling In the middle of the fucking night?

Mark sighed and rolled over to hug you but for some odd reason, you weren't there.

He scoffed and huffed. How could you? Leaving the poor man in bed alone to go do what? Its 1 in the morning! What's more important than keeping him happy?

He grumbled and sat up, putting on some pants and his robe as he then headed out of his room to be met with chaos. As usual...

"Bully! What are you doing up so-" "Don't." Mark stopped Will who shrugged and kept walking to god knows where.

Mark then saw you sitting on the couch on your phone. He walked over to you and stood right in front of you, arms crossed.

You looked up at the actor confused.

"What?" You asked looking back down at your phone. 'Rude...' he thought.

"What are you doing up? And you decided to leave me in bed alone? To do what? Sit on your butt while playing on your phone like a child cause you can't sleep?" He put his hands on his hips just to show how 'mad' he was.

You smiled at him and stood up, kissing his cheek.

"Well, I'm sorry your majesty. I didn't think you were such high maintenance." Mark scoffed and looked at you like you were crazy.

"Uhm, I'm THE Mark. How could you not think I'm high maintenance?" He huffed out, pulling you to your shared room.

He then got back into bed and pulled you with, holding you in his arms.

"I'm guessing you're not gonna let me leave now, huh?" You asked with an amused smile.

"Correct you are, my dear." He replied, pulling the blankets over the two of you.

He nuzzled your neck and smiled.

Times like these were the actors favorite. He couldn't get enough of them.


You flinched in fear, burying your head into Marks chest making him frown and hold you close.

"Will! No shooting that infernal gun inside! Especially this late! Master is sleeping." You heard Ben yell from the balcony area.

"Oh poppycock, I was merely practicing my aim you overgrown penguin!" Will fired back.

Mark sighed and buried his face further into your neck, as if it'll help him disappear.

"I wish they'd shut up.." He grumbled while you rubbed your hand up and down his back.

"Yeah.. i just wish Will would stop shooting in the house. But he and the others sometimes make for great entertainment in my opinion." You replied.

Soon enough, the two of you had finally fallen asleep.

Let's hope Will doesn't shoot again... Or Mark just might kill him..


"Mark.. Babe, let me get up, please." He grumbled and pulled you closer to him. You were practically suffocating.

"Nooo... I like holding you in bed..." He cooed, kissing the top of your head.

You smiled. He was always the clingy type. That's for sure.

"I'll be gone for a few minutes then I'll come back. I'm just thirsty, love." He sighed and reluctantly let you go.

"Fine, but don't be long please." He said as you nodded and got up.

You went to the kitchen to see Chef who huffed as you walked in.

"Well, hello to you too Chef." You said sarcastically as he grumbled, chopping away at whatever type of meat was on the cutting board.

You grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured a cup of water and went back to you and Marks room.

But when you walked in, your lover wasn't there.

You took a drink then sat it down, a bit confused to where he had went.

"Well so much for don't be long- whoa!" You were suddenly picked up in the air and spun around.

"Uh- Mark?" But it wasn't Mark..

You turned your head to see William with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Will?!" William turned his body to see a very, very, pissed Mark.

"What are you doing?!" Mark yelled at Will who laughed and put you down.

"Come on now, Mark! I was just having a bit of fun! No harm was done." He said with his usual happy look.

Mark growled and pulled you aside and proceeded to yell at William.

"Go do something productive why don't you?" He seethed out while Will shrugged and went on his marry way.

Mark grumbled and had you against his chest, head on top of yours.

"Jealous much?" You asked with a smirk.

He sighed and nodded lightly. Okay now you knew something was wrong with him.

"Baby, were you that jealous of Will messing with me? You know I love you and only you." You said, pulling his head to where he was looking at you.

"Are you sure, love? I just don't want you to stray away from me... I know I can be arrogant and selfish and..."

"Narcissistic?" You finished. He gave you a look but continued.

"Yes, narcissistic as well... and sometimes I feel like you get annoyed with me.. and when I see you being happy with someone like Will, especially when he's even remotely touching you somehow, it makes me so jealous.. I'm sorry.." He vented out, his big brown eyes holding sorrow and sadness.

"Oh, Mark.. don't be sorry. It's normal for someone to be jealous of their partner when with someone else. That shows how much you love them." He smiled and hugged you close.

"But it's still funny when you're jealous..."

"Shut up..."

< End >

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