- You're My Hero -

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2nd Person POV

"Y/n!" Illinois called out to you, trying to find you.

The two of you were out in these canyons, mostly just exploring but hey, maybe you'll find something.

But when you got there, you wanted to split up from Illinois to.. 'be as brave as he was'.

And now, you were lost.

Illinois sighed and started to get extremely worried.

"Y/n! Baby, I can't afford to lose another partner hun. Now please stop hidin'!" He yelled out for you again.

But all he heard was silence.

He started to panic. He never panicked over his old partners because... well they weren't you first of all.

The adventurer had ran through every tunnel he had went through but you were nowhere to be found.

"Y/n! Y/N!" Tears sprung from the males eyes as he yelled out once again.

After awhile, he heard footsteps coming at him like a bullet train.

He turned around and lo and behold, you were right there being chased by a huge fucking boulder.

"RUN!" She screamed, her face showing nothing but adrenaline.

The both of you ran and jumped out of its way, panting heavily.

"Whoo! That.. was awesome." You spoke, exasperated and out of breath.

Illinois sighed with relief and pulled you into his lap since the two of you were sitting on the ground.

"Baby, you can't just run off like that... I thought you were gone." He said sweetly, bringing his lips to yours.

You smiled into the kiss then let go, making him a tad bit sad to not have his lips on yours.

"I'm sorry, Illi. I just.. ya know, got excited." You answered as you stood up, helping him up in the process.

He looked around at the small crevice the two of you had stumbled into, noticing the cracks lining the walls.

"We should get out of here. That boulder probably shook the entire cave system. C'mon." Illinois said grabbing your hand as you both walked towards the entrance.

"But we didn't find anythi-" "It's okay. There's plenty more stuff to find in other places. Your safety is more important, hun." You smiled and shook your head.

"Whatever ya say, Illi..."


After awhile of aimlessly walking around, you both had realized that you had lost where you two came in from.

"Oh god, oh no no no.. we're stuck here?! Oh fuck, what are we-" "Hey, hey, baby it's gonna be alright. You'll be safe with me okay? I'm not gonna let ya get hurt..." He cooed, soothingly rubbing his thumb against your hand.

You smiled but your gaze dropped to the ground behind him.

"Uh... Illi?" His brows furrowed as he then looked behind himself.

But his face immediately paled upon seeing the huge cracks forming on the ground.

The cave shook and rumbled, making
you lean closer into the adventurer.

"Shh, I got ya.." He reassured you while the rumbling got louder.

"That damn boulder again!" Illinois eventually yelled as he ran with you trailing beside me.

Markiplier and Egos Oneshots | TAKING REQUESTS |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz