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My Personal Headcannons For Dating Actor Mark and Actor Mark Himself:

• WHINY LITTLE BITCH- ( affectionate )

• He loves to pamper you with every single gift EVER!

• Pet names for you: Babe, love, dear, hun, rose, my muse, and baby.

• Pet names for him: Marki, Mr. Iplier, babe, dear, honey, and baby.

• You are everything to him and you wonder how you got with him really.

• When you go out he just pouts in your guys' bed or waits by the door.

• "Master? Why are you on the floor clutching a pillow?"

• "Not now Benjamin. I miss my Y/n :,("

• Kisses all the time, everywhere-

• He LOOOVVEESS when you wear his robe. But when he randomly finds you in it, it usually ends in... AHEM moving on-

• Never stops holding you. It's all he ever does.

• This man can't cook or clean for shit okay? You literally had to help him warm up something in the microwave.

• He's helpless.

• Just.. love him please?

< End >

Markiplier and Egos Oneshots | TAKING REQUESTS |Where stories live. Discover now