- My Angel -

881 24 23

Requested by: @-KATTYBRATTY

2nd Person POV

You sighed and rolled your shoulders uncomfortably, stretching your body in every which way to just get comfy.

Your wings —yes you have wings— were aching to be free. The suit you were wearing was not doing them any justice and they just flittered and fluttered uncontrollably under it.

You huffed and decided to take a quick break and let them free for a second.

You headed toward one of the resting areas of the ship and shut the door, pressing a button on your tablet to notify that you were busy and were to not be interrupted.

The crew didn't know about your wings, and you weren't about to let them find out. Especially your head engineer, Mark.

He may have been your right hand man and best friend but.. you just couldn't bring yourself to tell him what you had.

Plus, you didn't want to have your crush hate you or think you're weird.

Oh, I forgot to mention that. You liked him. A lot.

What? You couldn't help it! It's not your fault that he had the cutest crooked smile, chocolate brown eyes you could get lost in for hours, and not to mention how strong he actually was. Gosh you would give anything to see him out of his spacesui-

You shook yourself out of those thoughts and pulled off your helmet, breathing in heavily. Finally that was off.

You then proceeded to unzip the back of the spacesuit you had on, once that was completely off, your wings sprouted out.

You sighed with relief once more, flapping them a bit just to get them moving.

But then, to your horror, the door behind you opened.

You quickly hid and covered your body with a random tarp that laid in the corner of the room. ( no clue how it got there btw. )

"Captain?" Mark said aloud confusedly as he looked around for you.

"I know the thing said you were busy but.. I needed to speak with you about something." He said still looking around for you.

Your wings covered your body as so did the tarp, but unfortunately, they weren't comfy enough and they moved the slightest bit.

Mark eyed the moving tarp and slowly walked toward it.

Your eyes screwed shut as the tarp was pulled off of you, your wings encasing you in fear.

Mark stepped back, eyes wide and jaw dropped.

You whimpered and scooted back more into the wall, hoping you'd just disappear.

"C-Captain..? Wha..." He stammered out as your wings revealed your scared form.

"M-Mark I-..." You stopped once he started to walk toward you.

He bent down and slowly reached out to your left wing, lightly running his fingers through the white feathers.

You sighed with relief, now knowing that he wasn't afraid of you.

"Incredible..." Mark mumbled, making you blush.

He looked into your eyes and smiled, sitting down in front of you.

"Well now that you know.. uh, what did you need?" You asked with a nervous smile as he fidgeted with his hands.

His eyes widened and he cleared his throat. He then gently grabbed both of your hands in his and sighed.

"Captain, I uh.. heh. Uhm.. well.. I was going to ask you if you.. would maybe.. like to be my partner?"

Your brows furrowed once he said 'was going to ask you'. Did the wings make him not want to?

Mark seemed to have realized that what he had said may have seemed bad.

"Oh no, no, no! Captain, I-I didn't mean it that way! The wings actually make me want to ask you even more! I-If that's.. not too weird.." He nervously spoke, making you chuckle slightly.

You squeezed his hands reassuringly as your wings fluttered happily making you slightly embarrassed.

Mark chuckled and reeled you into his lap, holding you as he lightly ran his fingers over the feathers of your right wing.

You smiled and hugged him back, your wings slowly encasing the two of you.

You both looked up and laughed at how cliche this situation was.

"My Angel." He mumbled, kissing your forehead as you rolled your eyes but smiled anyway.

"Yeah, but I'm still your captain." Mark pouted since he was trying to be romantic but you had to ruin it.

You laughed once more and kissed his cheek, bringing him in for another hug as your wings fluttered around.

He chuckled and hugged back, but he'd never let you forget one thing.

You may have been his captain, but you were his angel.

And you loved it that way.

< End >

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