- Worth a Shot -

805 25 22


2nd Person POV

You were just sitting in your apartment when Yancy had decided to go for a little walk. Said he wanted to clear his head or something..

He told you he'd be back in about 30 minutes, but... it's been an hour by now.

You started to worry. Did he get back in the penitentiary? Is he dead? Did he get mugged and is now bleeding out on the ground?

Your awful thoughts of what may have happened were interrupted by the door bursting open, revealing a beat up Yancy.

"Yancy?! What happened? Oh my- are you okay?" You asked as you got off the couch and walked over to him quickly.

He mumbled something incoherent as you were inspecting the many contusions on his face and body.

You put both of your hands on the sides of his face and rubbed your thumb on his beard gently.

He sighed and gave you a small
crooked-grin as you did so.

"C'mon... let's go patch you up, bud." You said sighing, dragging him into the bathroom to get the medical equipment needed.

He sat down on the edge of the sink counter while you looked for what you needed.

"Take your shirt and jacket off. There's blood all over them and they need to be washed." You explained.

Yancy blushed brightly but took them off, throwing them into the hamper beside the door.

When you had all the things you needed and turned to look at him, you too blushed. It wasn't your fault that his body was extremely toned and muscley...

However, the large gash and bruises that were displayed across his body quickly made you go back to what you were doing.

"Alright this may sting a little but.. you've been through worse." You warned, putting some rubbing alcohol on a cotton-ball.

Yancy smiled at that but immediately winced when the cold liquid was placed on the wound.

"Sorrrry.. I told you it would sting." You apologized while cleaning the dried blood and dirt out of it.

Once you were finished with his chest, you started on his face.

His lip was busted and he had a black eye forming. It wasn't that bad though. It kinda reminded you on how he got hurt when you two first met.

Ya know, when you beat him?

You pressed a towel down onto his lip gently, trying to ease the blood from flowing out.

Yancy just smiled and silently admired your carefullness and how caring you were being toward him.

You noticed the look he was giving you and rose a brow.

"What? Why the weird look?" Yancy chuckled and closed his eyes as you put an ice pack against the forming black eye, holding it there for a second.

"I dunno. I just.. find it funny on how much youse really help and care for me." He answered.

Furrowing your brows, you took off the ice pack and looked at him quizzically.

"What do you mean, Yance? I have to help you. You barely know how to take care of yourself and plus.. you're my best friend." You said with a smile as you put a bandaid on the cut that was across his cheek.

Yancy had said something after you said best friend but you thought nothing of it. Probably just his normal random mumbles.

After putting a few more bandages on the smaller cuts, you put everything back in the cabinet.

"Alright, you're patched up. Just.. try not to get into anymore fights." You spoke, handing him a fresh pair of clothes so he could take a shower then change into them.

He flashed you a toothy grin and took the clothes.

"Ah, come on Y/n. Youse know I's can't promise dat." He stated with a laugh making you giggle with him.

You went to leave, but before you could, the ex-prisoner reeled you into his still bare chest and pinned you against the wall beside him.

"Thanks for fixin' me up, babes~" Your face grew red as he smirked at you.

You decided to play along and try to make him flustered instead.

"Why, no problem big boy.." His eyes widened but they quickly went back to normal since he wasn't gonna go down without a fight.

"Big boy, eh? Alright then, baby doll.." You huffed and smirked, getting an idea.

You hooked your arms around his neck and leaned closer to him.

"That really all you got, stud?" A dark look took over his soft one as he slipped his arms around your waist, pulling you ever so closer.

"Why of course not, pretty girl.." He whispered in your ear, making you practically melt in his arms.

Yancy smirked once he noticed you gave up, but oh was he gonna be in for a surprise...

"See? Ya shouldn't play these games with me doll. I win every-" He was cut off by your lips meeting his, your hands tangling in his now messy and curly black hair.

A wolfish grin was plastered across his face as he kissed back, deepening it while he pushed you back up against the wall.

You two let go but he didn't stop there. Yancy just kept kissing you on every exposed piece of skin he could reach.

You were in heaven. The feeling of his lips on you felt unreal. You honestly didn't want him to stop...

"You have no clue how long I've waited for this to happen..." You said as he stopped kissing you, pressing his forehead against yours.

"Then youse should've just asked. Ever since I's laid my eyes on youse, I knew youse had to be mine, babes.." He said as you smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Alright, no more distractions! Go take a shower. You reek of blood and dirt." He laughed and gave you a quick kiss before letting you walk out so he could do his thing.

You went to your bedroom and sighed, lovestruck over the fact that you just kissed the person you've longed to have for forever.

You laid down on your bed and snuggled into your covers, happy on how today turned out.

You were on the verge of fully falling asleep when your door creaked open, revealing Yancy standing there freshly washed and clean.

You sat up a bit and smiled a sleepy smile, gesturing toward your new lover to get into bed with you.

He smiled at your behavior and climbed in with you, pulling you to his body.

His smell filled your senses as you nuzzled further into his shirt, sighing in happiness and content.

"Love youse, babes... and thanks for patchin' me up." Yancy said. You could practically hear the smirk on his face...

You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, gently running your thumb across his knuckles.

"I love you too.. but don't think that if you keep getting yourself hurt you'll get more kisses or compliments." His chest rose up and down as he laughed, it making yourself laugh a bit too.

He kissed your head and pulled you closer, not ever wanting to let go.

"Worth a shot..."

< End >

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