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My Personal Headcannons For Dating Dr. Iplier and Dr. Iplier Himself:

• His real name is Edward.

• You've stole his coat from time to time and he loves finding you just chilling in it.

• Pet names for you: Love, babe, dear, and honey.

• Pet names for him: Doc, babe, hun, love, and dear.

• He likes to call you nurse since.. well he's a doctor and it just makes sense.

• But when it comes to.. *AHEM* times then.. 😳

• You sometimes get to hang out with him at the hospital he works at.

• Sometimes he gets home late and all he wants is to snuggle up beside you in bed once he does.

• You two are basically the most domestic couple and it's just super cute and lovey okay?

• When you're bored you like to take his stethoscope and his doctor headband thingy ( no clue what it's called ) and dress like him while not looking.

• He walked in on you doing it once and he's never let you live it down.

• Also he's a coffee addict and a workaholic and sometimes you have to help him realize that.

• When some of his patients don't make it, he blames it on himself and comes home depressed and guilty.

• You hold him in bed and calm him down by making dinner and keeping him happy.

• He adores you with every fiber of his being when you help him. He hates feeling sad and you just bring him right back up.

• A very domestic, loving, and happy couple.

• Will be little spoon if needed he doesn't care as long as he's being hugged or hugging something he's good.

• Just... love the working man. He deserves it.

< End >

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